Peace Pact

in #warlast year

War, what is it good for?

  1. Solving Overpopulation
  2. Boosting the Economy
  3. Kill Enemy & Steal Stuff
  4. Absolutely Nothing.

If YOU answered, "Absolutely Nothing!" then you're absolutely correct, Sir!

Now you can get down with Edwin Star and start singing with your testicles swinging.

Overpopulation is NOT a good reason for war (aside from the reality that war is government sanctioned murder.) because overpopulation is a myth.

There are not enough humans on earth.

The human mind is awesome at producing abundance.

If earth does get full, then to the stars!

Boosting the Economy with war?!?!

Dude... this stupid thinking was debunked in an essay by Frédéric Bastiat 100+ years ago. #theBrokenWindow

Killing your enemies and stealing their stuff... sure if you're a psychopath then on the surface this would be a 'good' reason to have a war.

BUT humans get far more prosperity through peaceful means such as creation of value and voluntary exchange of those values

I did not support either side in the Russia Ukraine war.

Ukraine lost. 500,000+ Ukrainian men were slaughtered.

I do not support either side in the Israeli Palestine war.

Obviously the US Gov wants to bomb Iran next. I don't support the next war either.

Gerald Celente, editor of the, is a passionate advocate for peace.

Even though Gerald predicted the coming of WW3 (which is here!) he's desperately seeking a way to stop it. Note that I am a subscriber to the Trends Journal. It's a great value.

How do we stop war?

To answer this question effectively we must first think about what the root causes of war are.

What are the root causes of war?

Choose the best answer in the poll below:

  1. Central Banks & the State
  2. Collectivist Thinking
  3. Scarce Resources
  4. Culture Differences

(8) How do we stop war?

To answer this question effectively we must first think about what the root causes of war are.

What are the root causes of war? Choose the best answer in the poll below:

November 14, 2023— Troy Bryan (@ibuildfreedom)

Because I had the experience of playing on a soccer team (football) with men of many races and religions. A team with both Muslim and Christian players who all got along and broke bread together and played as a team... I know that cultural differences are no excuse for war.

The scarcity of resources, when and where they exist, is a result of war and other authoritarian interventions such as taxation, regulation. Where humans are allowed to create values and exchange values unfettered by meddling central planners... there is abundance.

The root causes of war are central banking, collectivist thinking, and the administrative state. I was not aware of just how insidious, fraudulent, and destructive that central banking and fiat money was until I read G. Edward Griffin’s book; The Creature from Jekyll Island.

Who loses in war?

  • Civilians who are killed and maimed
  • Civilians who have property destroyed
  • Soldiers who are killed or maimed
  • Entire nations of people who miss out on all the additional wealth that could have been created if not for the destruction.

Who else loses in war?

Even we simple Canadians, far far away from the front line atrocities, watching a hockey game, also lose. Our Central Bank prints the money that feeds the military industrial complex, who makes the bombs.

This monetary inflation makes us poor.

The winners in war are the Military Industrial Complex and the politicians. That's it.

These are the people incentivized to promote war. They are far removed from the consequences of war, but very close to the profits from war.

#EndTheFed #StopWars

#RonPaul2008? Too Fucking late mate!

How do we stop wars?

Well just as the root causes of war and poverty are central banking, collectivism, and the administrative state... Peace and prosperity also have root causes; Free-market money, individualism, and #voluntaryism.

The first step to stopping WW3 is to put down whatever flag you're waving!

Ukraine flag
Russian flag
Palestinian flag
Israeli flag
BLM flag

Flags = collectivist thinking.

There is never one side that's 'all good' or 'all evil'. The powers that ought not to be, want us to think this way.

They, who attempt to rule the world, want blacks fighting whites, and Jews fighting Muslims. They want Christians fighting Queers. They want Trumpers fighting Democrats, and maskers fighting anti-vaxers.

They want us in the streets waving whatever flags and shaking our fists.

Your outrage changes nothing, helps no one.

The money flows uninterrupted from the ‘Creature from Jekyll Island’ into the pockets of the self described “world elites”.

“If you can keep your head when all about you. Are losing theirs and blaming it on you...” ~ Rudyard Kipling

We cannot stop wars, and other authoritarian central planner created catastrophes, without putting an end to central banking.

The first step to stopping WW3 is for us all to calm down.

Stop consuming fear porn on television and on social media.

The best alternative to swallowing the lies of the mainstream media (MSM) fear mongers, or doom scrolling social media, is to avoid the fear porn all together and just listen to the ‘No Agenda’ podcast.

Let Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak deconstruct the media, identify the narratives, and filter the lies.

Since I started listening to the No Agenda podcast two years ago, I no longer get sick drinking the wastewater from the sewage pipe that is the mainstream media.

The second step to stopping wars is to start investing in free-market currencies such as;

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bitcoin
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Monero
  • Zcash
  • ARRR

We need honest money that cannot be manipulated by central bankers and the authoritarian state.

Only if we learn how to acquire and utilize free-market currencies now, will we be prepared to replace government monopoly money upon the 'Berlin Wall Falling' moment when the USD drops to zero and there is a chance for the masses to vote with their wallets.

Search Wallet Voting.

The use of gold or some cryptocurrency such as Monero as money instead of the gun backed paper of the world's criminal states, will implode the central banking scheme.

Why will the central banking scheme implode when people stop using gun backed money?

Simply because money has to circulate for debt to be paid. If debt is not paid, then the banks go bust. If the banks go bust, the gun backed money disappears.

Central Banks will lose their ability to coerce and control through creating fake money out of this air, as soon as the masses choose to use honest currency.

From a higher level view this is a struggle between liberty minded disrupters using decentralized technology and central planning authoritarian nincompoops.

I know who wins in the end.

The only question is how the ‘global elite’ relinquish power; with grace or brutality.

But the "Rich men north of Richmond, they all want total control…"

The ONLY way to wrestle control from the authoritarians is to STOP USING THEIR MONEY!

This has been a message from some libertarians for years now but it finally sunk into my thick skull now.

The 3rd step to ushering the age of peace and prosperity is to find projects that are building the components of a free society.

Join these projects as an investor, a coder, a creator, or pitch in any way you can.

Together we can construct a free civilization.


On my blog I will be highlighting all of the best projects building the components of our new free-market system.

This list of Freedom Engineering Technology is long and I look forward to writing about it and sharing it with my followers.

I titled this article Peace Pact but I haven't discussed such a thing yet.

My fellow freedom engineer Daniel Larimer wrote about the necessity for a Peace Treaty among all people living in the same jurisdiction, in his book 'More Equal Animals'.

The simplest system for a free society will serve us best.

Anarchy (self rule) is the way the water flows.

I would love a world where I could choose to trade with individuals or avoid them, based on their commitment or not, to a few basic principles; such as the golden rule.

The Golden Rule is only 11 words;

"do to others as you would have them do to you."

Doug Casey popularized another concise rule to live by, also 11 words long;

"Do as thou wilt, but be prepared to accept the consequences."

Richard Maybury of the Early Warning Report uses 17 words;

"Do all you have agreed to do, and do not encroach on other persons or their property."

But for people who want a little more meat on the bone to gnaw on in the lantern light as we struggle to survive the 4th turning aka the ‘great reckoning’...

I present to you The Common Economic Protocols (CEP), written by a brilliant guy who was inspired by the book ‘The Diamond Age’