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RE: Remembering Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Tokyo: Statism Manifested as Murder Apologism (why some individuals still view mass murder as morally legitimate)

in #war8 years ago

Good points made here that I agree with - HOWEVER;
Most historians estimate that a US invasion of mainland Japan would have resulted in over one million deaths and 2/3rds of those Japanese. That would be more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.
The results of the Okinawa Invasion with all the civilian suicides tends to lead credence.


Speculation does not justify murder.

The "greater good" argument is not only extremely tenuous (strategically, the country was already defeated, and leaders had been asking for surrender for months prior (see links above)) but this "greater good" argument is, more importantly, nonsensical and morally illegitimate.Taking the life of an innocent human being is never moral, ethical, or legitimate. It is nonsense to assert that taking innocent lives is ever a "necessity" for just society, as taking innocent lives is, has been, and always will be, categorically unjust.