Check Out Nikki Haley Pretending She Doesn’t Love Violence And Dead Children

in #war7 years ago (edited)

In a sane world, being a neoconservative would carry the same social stigma as being a child molester or a serial killer. It would be something that you are aggressively shunned and rejected for and kept far away from society so that you can’t do any harm, not something that wins you acclaim and MSNBC panels spots and appointment as UN ambassador.

I am not being hyperbolic here. Neoconservatism is not some political ideology which can be placed on a left-to-right spectrum based on one’s ideas about fiscal policy and social issues, it is the civilian-slaughtering American supremacist agenda to butcher, bomb, sanction, starve, bully and manipulate the world population in order to ensure the hegemony of the US-centralized power establishment. I am not condemning an opposing set of political opinions here, I am condemning the mass murder of innocent men, women and children.

Neoconservatism is what fuels support for the war machine which has scattered hundreds of military bases all over the planet, which armed terrorist factions in Syria killing half a million people, which created a failed state in Libya, killed a million Iraqis, facilitated the mass slaughter in Yemen, and escalated the new cold war with Russia which threatens to kill everything on earth, all just in the last few years.

So forgive me if I indulge in a bitter scoff when Nikki fucking Haley tweets about how heartbroken she is about the recent mass shooting in Florida.

UN Ambassador Haley, who has been described by journalist Michael Tracey as "the most dangerous member of the administration," pushes relentlessly for dangerous escalations with all targets of the US war machine, seemingly at every opportunity. Virtually any time you see her face she's trying to rally an international coalition against Syria, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, or North Korea. The push is always toward escalation instead of de-escalation, toward war instead of peace. Nikki Haley is a neocon, and she loves war.

Nikki Haley has pointed her life toward the service of death. Death is her business. Death is her vocation. She is using her position as the leading diplomat for the most powerful government in the history of civilization to sow death, instability, famine and chaos throughout any region which dares oppose US interests.

So when Nikki Haley says that she is shocked and disturbed by the mass murder of civilians, she is lying. She is a death machine awkwardly imitating a human being.

Do you remember the first time you learned what war is? Or have you ever been given the uncomfortable responsibility of explaining it to a small child? Do you remember what that was like? How nonsensical such an idea is to a mind that hasn't yet been marinated in war propaganda? That's what sanity looks like. That's the sort of healthy mentality that recoils from neoconservatism like a hand from a venomous spider.

You might say that I am being callous about a recent American tragedy here, but I am not. I grieve for anyone victimized by violence, no matter where they are. But every day there are civilian victims of US interventionism meeting the same end as those teachers and students in Florida, and neoconservatives like Nikki Haley have devoted their lives to helping that happen. If you feel the deaths in Florida are entitled to some sacred bubble free from anyone pointing out the violent deaths of victims of the US war machine, it's because you've compartmentalized yourself into the same American supremacist reality tunnel that neocons have been promoting. The human beings dying of US-sponsored bombings, terrorism and sanctions every day are not less valuable than you and your countrymen.

It is not normal for human minds to work this way.

In an article titled "Why We’re Underestimating American Collapse", author and commentator Umair Haque writes of the bizarre social plagues which are ravaging Americans in a way that is not only not occurring anywhere else in the world, but has never happened to any other civilization in recorded history. He writes about the way impoverished elderly people are living in the US today, the mass opiate problem that isn't impacting any other country in a comparable way, and he writes about the incredible and unprecedented trend of mass shootings.

Is it possible that the need to saturate the citizenry of history's most powerful military force in endless war propaganda is warping people's minds? Is it perhaps impossible to blast people in the face day in and day out with domestic psyops telling them it's normal for their money to be funneled upward to powerful plutocrats while taxes are spent killing strangers overseas without causing mass shooting and opiate epidemics? How far can the American mind be twisted to accept irrational violence and exploitation before it snaps?

I think we are finding out.

Nikki Haley has arguably been working harder than anyone else to spread this madness throughout the world. The madness which accepts endless mass violence and destruction as an essential baseline, which is more concerned about "apologists" for North Korea, Syria or Russia than about the fact that the US is escalating toward unspeakable horrors with those countries, which needs opiates and antidepressants just to cope with the crushing cognitive dissonance caused by mainlining Orwellian propaganda from all directions, which occasionally manifests in violent rampages in schools.

Society is profoundly sick, and Nikki Haley is the face of our sickness. Stop feigning a will toward life and an aversion to violence, Nikki. We see you.

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The answer to mass gun murders isn't an easy one because our society is profoundly broken. Our failing crony capitalist system in America is leaving just about everybody behind and instead of acknowledging the entire system has failed, people on the left and right point at little parts of the system and convince themselves it's this little thing or that little thing. Until Americans are ready to acknowledge the failure of our empire things like mass shootings, opiate overdoses and other horrible events will keep increasing until the entire system finally falls apart. When a country spends more than the next ten nations on their military maintaining a thousand military bases while tens of millions live in poverty and desperation it has become spiritually bankrupt. It's only a matter of time until the stock market craters. Our day of recogning is soon!

A couple things. These things happen almost always during or immediately following a drill. This establishes to me that these aren't organic, native events, but carefully coordinated false flag attacks. There are institutions and agencies that are conducting these attacks, and there is proof of their culpability.

To stop terrorism, end the system that creates them, look at who creates them. Al Qaeda, and all it's offshoots, like ISIS, was created by George H.W. Bush, serving as head of the CIA under Jimmy Carter. That's where the terrorists come from, that's who staffs, trains, and pays them.

End it.

In the meantime, remember the Texas church attack only a few months ago? It was stopped by an armed citizen, who killed the terrorist. Stop the terrorists when they attack. This means having a gun.

Arm yourself, and everyone you want protected.

The CIA is our enemy, and guns are our friends.

"Almost always" and "carefully coordinated" are not synonymous with one another.

“If you feel the deaths in Florida are entitled to some sacred bubble free from anyone pointing out the violent deaths of victims of the US war machine, it's because you've compartmentalized yourself into the same American supremacist reality tunnel that neocons have been promoting. The human beings dying of US-sponsored bombings, terrorism and sanctions every day are not less valuable than you and your countrymen.”

Beautiful, Cait. The way your illustrative words sucker punch the reader into feeling the actual appropriate level of emotions for heinous world atrocities. Lest we forget...

Least we forget that without any help at all from anybody these same people would genocide each other to death over religion. Religion(s) is the root cause, conflicts are just topical for the real elephant in the room.

Nikki Haley is one of the people I despise the most on this whole planet. She is the epitome of a neo-con-deep-state-swamp-warmongering parasite. Her hypocrisy is beyond words. How Trump can keep her as the US Ambassador to the UN is also beyond belief. She is the most despicable excuse for a human being ever.


She has the blood of millions of children in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world on her hands!

May you rot in hell !!!

this is a powerful piece of writing. thank you. haley is a poster child for how to get persons not in our country to not trust, care for, or want anything to do with our country. her inability to see her own bigotry is what confuses me. love your journalism, thanks again.

Kudos for calling Haley out on her neocon warmongering — all neocon warmongers deserve ragging — but what, I wonder, is her place in a grander scheme? She has ambitions one day to be President. She would seem to be tweeting thus in an attempt to increase her relevance. It is disturbing to note that she took the role of U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. with broad bi-partisan support. Beltway pundits and press lords are quick to applaud her while damning Trump.

You could see her as the anti-Tulsi. Gabbard was considered by some to be Trump’s first preference for the U.N. representative. And a 2020 presidential race pitting Haley v. Gabbard has been discussed.

If her star continues to rise, its tragic trajectory may pass through State. Tillerson and Haley have already clashed repeatedly, and it has been reported that Tillerson’s view of Haley is that, “He fucking hates her.” For woke progressives, it seems particularly poignant not to paint this administration with too broad a brush, and to take advantage of those fissures that become visible. An effective way to damn Nikki may be to praise Rex.

Thank you for this post, more light needs to be shed on this toxic bullshit that has been going on for at least the past 40 years. Hopefully the sheep will wake up on day and stop voting for this shit! What's your take on neoliberalism? Look into it, it's just as toxic.

Nice. Haley's a reflection of this Cheneyite tendency to see organised violence as the end all response to all problems, that mixed of course with a possibly psychopathic notion that equates violence with power. But perhaps what's the real driving force behind all of this is the assumption of US exceptionalism . . . or in other words, what we do is by definition "good" . . . murder with a clean conscience . . .

Is that worse than murder with a religious conscious?

noce post thanks for sharing the post.

Pray for Florida

Your old friend Phil Mudd, seems even more upset about it.

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I cannot emphasize enough the fact that school held a live shooter drill just before the shooting. I don't believe that was coincidence, and neither were the 7/7 bombings in London, and even 9/11, and numerous other examples.

If I'm ever in an area that is going to be covered in such a drill, I'm going to flee, as fast as possible.

I loved your inclusion of the clip of John Stockwell. Have you read 'In Search of Enemies'?


The school didn't hold a live shooter drill just before the shooting. There was a fire drill earlier in the morning. I don't think the shooter pulled the alarms to get students into the hallways to shoot them because he entered classrooms to shoot students, he pulled the alarm to get students to exit as he hide among them to escape. One teacher told her students to stay put when the alarm went off for a second time that day, she thought something was wrong with that because teachers are notified that a drill will happen and two in a day is not typical. Smart teacher.

I did read a report that said 'live shooter drill' earlier in the day. This is the first mention I've heard of a fire drill.

Imma hafta get my facts straight.


Lots of things get lost in translation, blame the media for trying to be the first to press. The part I stated I didn't think he pulled the alarm to draw students into the hallway was just an opinion I drew after reading more about what transpired. It just seemed logical to me that if his intention was to pull the alarm to lure students into the hallway to shoot them he wouldn't have had felt compelled to enter any classrooms, he'd just waited until they started exiting. The fact he got rid of the weapon and blended into the crowd to escape seemed more telling as to why he pulled the alarm.

I looked deeper and did indeed discover that the security drill that morning was a fire drill.


Your welcome, anytime.

They aren't "American Supremacist", they are all Jewish except for their Antichristian Diabolical puppets and paid shabbas goyim quislings like McCain and their whole-cloth creation Tom Cotton, and pursue a Jewish Supremacist agenda which has already half-destroyed and bankrupted America. They are our worst enemies, the enemies within, and their puppet ISIS is a sideshow in comparison.

In a sane world, being a neoconservative would carry the same social stigma as being a child molester or a serial killer. It would be something that you are aggressively shunned and rejected for and kept far away from society so that you can’t do any harm, not something that wins you acclaim and MSNBC panels spots and appointment as UN ambassador.

Nice lede.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Exactly! Hello, by the way. Funny when paths re-cross, hey?

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yes, and set up org's like Halliburton and Blackwater to extract whatever resources the country has without sharing profits to said war torn and often starving people. Excellent Book:
"Confessions of an Economic Hitman"

lol, first thing is to create conflict where there is none. Nice deflection away from the systemic cause of the problem: religions.

How many times have you heard that Christianity is a religion of peace?

How many times have you heard that Islam is a religion of peace?

How many times have you heard that Judaism is a religion of peace?

Throughout centuries of history of these religions, you will find inclination for intolerance, violence, and war. All three condone war in the name of their religion, all three have had wars in conquest of their religions, all three have killed in the name of their religion.

All the people who go to war wear shirts, therefore shirts are the cause of all wars.

You can go all the back to the crusades and follow it up through the times. If you really want to find out the heart of all the hatred in the middle east just takes some time and look at all the different groups willing to kill each other over religion. I was a moderator on a middle east blog site and I sat down and tried to honestly figure it all out, it just can't be done, it's heartbreaking and depressing because it can be the most minute difference that makes or breaks it for most of them. It would be no different for example then if Christians attacked Catholics, or Mormons attack Baptist on a daily basis in this country. In the middle east they have no problem with genocide based on religion.