Nas questions the recent bombings in Syria and comes to a conclusion and general truth while talking with Adam.
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I think the American war machine is the biggest threat to global peace and if anything it needs to be stopped. With the current president military spending is increasing and the worlds largest military state continues to grow and flex its muscles.
Organizations like the UN are meaningless now, no checks and balances are in place and America can do as it pleases. Shot needs to change
well, if they stop bombing Syria, Russia will expand their sphere of influence and oil monopoly, and the western don't like that.
Staying out of other people's wars should not be so difficult. We needs to drop the big brother mentality and stop playing God. Syria would be much better off without our involvement
I don’t think America needed to take such drastic action especially in the current climate getting involved in conflict after the whole travel ban thing and all the immigrant negativity seems like it only serves to attract violence and what I’m afraid of is this action may escalate into retaliation and that means the public suffers!
I just don’t want to see more innocent lives lost because of the decisions of people in power
I'm totally not with Bombing. This not any perfect solution. It takes millions of people life. Lot of innocent people die cause of bombing.
America was misusing their power on Syria. i'm just speechless how america even didn't let go little babies. That was really cruel. America destroying world peace.
I don't for what the fucking politics purpose America still killing thousands of people. But it should be stopped. I will never support this American fucking mission.
U are totally right my friend many people dying out there without any fucking reason
This is an extremely difficult topic, it's interesting listening to peoples opinions on the subject.
I use to own a video store and some kids from Somalia would come in, they were always laughing and happy go lucky. One day we got on the subject of racism and how they felt about it, they just laughed. They said it was nothing compared to fearing someone jumping out of some bushes with machetes going to hack you to death.
I think this guy has more than likely came from a worse place in life, at least his dialogue seems to convey that. He knows what it's like forpeople to suffer. So his initial response doesn't come as a shock. On the other hand I think before we intervene in any situation we should given be given the evidence they base these attacks on.
I agree, great post. Let's see some evidence first. And just as in our personal lives, let's look at our own actions before we start another war over someone else's alleged actions. Let's see some evidence first, and let's look at our own bombings first as well. I don't understand how our government thinks chemically bombing a group of people is any worse than us blowing them in half with our drone bombs. As if they're "more" dead from a chemical attack, and "less" dead from all our drone strikes on innocent persons.
Bombing is not a solution. All big power needs to make arrangements for the meeting of stake holders and forced them to stop civil war. Human life is more important so we should focus on safety of human life. Common people should raise their voice for peaceful sryia and peaceful world
The variable in the equation of Syria is Erdogan. If he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, all hell could break loose.
If that logic was used and USA really wanted to keep foreign politicians from killing people, USA would have started bombing Saudi Arabia long ago for killing bombing Yemen. They would also try to keep Israel from killing Palestinians.
I am not in Support of Bombing anybody it is nobody's business to interfere in other country
Maybe? Maybe not but the fact remains that the course of actions you took yesterday changed the course of history today because war is not about who is right but who is left!
I have seen many people's opinions about this question. all give the answer disagree. I agree with many people, they see this as unnecessary bombing (this is not a solution) Ordinary people should raise their voice to peaceful sryia and a peaceful world and everyone does not want to see more innocent lives lost by people's decisions who is in charge
Love peace
I appreciate this good answer for peace
For the love of God. Can we talk about the kids of this troubled nations. They are living in fear and to live in fear is not of freedom @adamkokesh can relate better
wow amazing dtube photography post..
i appreciate your this freedom..I just don’t want to see more innocent lives lost because of the decisions of people in power....
best of luck...
The world is about resources and who carves them up. I personally don't think western elites are going to give up on Syria yet. Europe is too reliant on Russian gas. The western elites need an alternative supply, namely a gas pipeline from gas-rich Qatar. And guess which countries they need to go through? Syria and Turkey. And which nation is in proxy control of one and courting the other one? Putin's Russia.
We are not support bombing of syria. We want to be save everybody of any country.
As we all know bombing is just to prove that who is having more power to prove the world that we can do bombing stay away from us .but we should also think that there are lots of people who just living their life's without knowledge of this bombing & all & they are only dying for nothing .
Oh yeah, nas was talking about the many innocent lives that was maimed cold blooded. The insecurity the little kid is facing in those troubled region. Please let's learn to forgive as a nation as well because revenge is not always the best way to resolve. Maybe dialogue
Am not in support of the U.S bombing Syria but as World power and which the U.S tend to remain that way. They are looking out for the world but the approach of bombing is wrong, cos it may lead to further provocation
Syria is the battleground of two world powers. I feel for the people of that country.
Excellent Post, God bless you, I hope to see you for my posts and help me I'm new to this and I do not know how to make more people read them, thanks, regards
one of many others I wait for you ...!
Please stop bombing on Syria. Attack on Assad gov. Not syrian people. They are helpless. Everyday bombing on their country. How they live :(
100 missiles dropped by Donald Trump is a very tragic story for Syria, Donald makes unreasonable excuses. Syria grieves, many casualties among children and women.
stop war
I personally do not support. The war will only leave wounds and trauma, many innocent people become victims. We should not do bombing, All that has to do is simply catch Assad who attacked his people and Assad must be accountable for his actions.
for political and economic gains
humanity is being destroyed
if they know how it feels to spend a day in such a heavy warzone they would never dare to do this
It's just to show their power and tell people, "I can do whatever I want, whenever I want and You can't do anything about it". If they really cared about innocent people, they could have found some other solution.
But sadly innocent people always have to pay the price of others misdeeds.
I do not agree. Should we be a spectator for this victim? All of us would want to live peacefully, there have been enough casualties for this bombing, I criticize those who have done the bombing. Donald trum and Assad should be responsible for their crimes .
I am your great supporter and idolize you@adamkokesh. i have seen your struggle and your work for freedom. i am a victim of the conflict of Aceh and both my parents have died in the wicked battle of the evil rulers. i become a bum looking for a bite of rice, today i make a special post for you my idol, I hope you can give a little smile for me. honestly i really need attention
Please @adamkokesh my idol how do you think @adamkokesh ??
The bombings leave only wounds and damage, war is not those who are targeted to be victims but many innocent people are the victims. Communicate and arrest the guilty. But if stubborn assad do your best. Pros cons happen here. Whether war and bombing can stop injustice and wrath.
The bombings leave only wounds and damage, war is not those who are targeted to be victims but many innocent people are the victims. Communicate and arrest the guilty. But if stubborn assad do your best. Pros cons happen here. Whether war and bombing can stop injustice and wrath.
No one have the rights to take others life's. Period.
The government of the United States and its allies attacked facilities in Syria on Friday, April 13. It is a very sad issue to see die in the news, families and children, it is definitely not the solution, peace in a country is not achieved with chemical bombs, we have to change that current system, which does not respect human rights in the world, and update them with common sense, think better ideas to solve a problem, than throw a bomb at human beings
for all reason US has no right to bomb any country, except Us will sell their gun only adn occupe the mining in syria or other country.
bombimg makes new problem, make dissaster and kill many people. Attacking other country without mandate from UN is a big mistakes. The country which upheld the march of the marabata nagsa even attacked for no justifiable reason. It's a shilly, isn't it?
in other side US want to make Syria as gun market, so the weapon production will sold and getting money or mining.
trump and other leader must stop attack Syria, we must keep peace in every area so we can bulid the peaceful in the word, nor war.
Attack to Syria will generate hatred either from the United States or abroad.
warm regard from Central java _ Indonesia
This is a importance post thanks for sharing
its wonderful video
i am completely not in support of American and its choice to carryout this bombing.
truth be said has the Americans policy of intervention paid off?
is Libya better of today than it was under Gaddafi?
American must respect the sovereignty of states, if you have issues with the leader sue him at ICC
So, closed the sale with that guy. I only wish the vid lasted 15-30 seconds longer, showing you handing him an autographed book, notifying him that you are running for president and getting from him, some sort of assurance he would read it and help the campaign (for 10 min. a day, 6 days a week, further distributing the book).
Even if Assad chemically attacked his own people, why is this any different than when Obama and Bush "Love Bombed" weddings full of innocents in the Middle East to take out one target and free the rest of the attendants from terrorist leaders and "Evil Dictators" forever and eternally? Why is this any different than when Bush bombed Baghdad, an entire city full of innocents, into oblivion during the invasion of Iraq. How is this any different than the mass of innocents killed by Obama during the drone strikes of his Presidency. All of which we have some shred of evidence, and more, to prove they actually happened. Perhaps it's better in the minds of the Elite and MSM to blow the victims legs and arms off, having them die slowly and painfully on the ground as appossed to chemically attacking them so they die on the ground slowly and painfully. In my mind though, brutality is brutality no matter who the deliverers it, and hypocrisy is hypocrisy no matter who is perpetrating it. No one is "more" dead from a chemical attack, anymore than they are "less" dead from a drone strike. Innocent People dead, is innocent people dead no matter how you spin it. Perhaps, we should decide whether we're going to stop bombing innocent people and decide the punishments for those of us (you know who I'm talking about) who have bombed innocents for well over a decade, before we decide to invade the last secular nation of the Middle East for allegedly bombing their own innocents. Whether we have proof of it or not.
Por el dialogo comenzarían las soluciones. saludos @adamkokesh
@adamkokesh the best
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even I also often make a post about you, your videos and your book.
you are my idol.
you are b
my expectations .
free american from the federal government.
yes, my blog is full of your posts.
my post is also about you.
you can come and see for yourself.
I am your true fan.
adam charles kokesh.
It's clear we here in the US dance to the tune our Masters play for us. We may think our elected representatives, from the President on down are in control, they are not. One could say the Republic is lost. We were warned decades ago by the exiting President Eisenhower, but his warning was not heeded or even listened to. So we can debate all we want about war, might as well be pissing into the wind. I have not read Adam Kokesh's book so am unaware of his understanding of not only the deep state but of the Global Elite.
You may be interested in reading my series I've entitled "The Roots of War, the Hope of Peace". I'll be addressing this issue.
I'll read the book. Blessings.
I think it would make sense for us to bomb someone if they are using chemical weapons against their own people.
I feel the same way. I also thinks we deserve to see the evidence they used to justify the strikes, more so if we be given this evidence before the strike.