The Walton coin, a new opportunity for Masternode (MN) investors The new (potential) Dash coin- Walton coin

in #walton7 years ago

How exciting to hear this? The second Dash coin is in front of us!
If we found the (possibly) second Dash coin, that means the Masternodes
I’m running would jumped to KRW 2m usd in value?

Some time ago,

Dash was a coin that few people knew.
The price of it was about 2$

But early this year, Dash started to support MN.
The original name of it was Xcon darkcoin, but it renamed to Dash afterward.

Then, the value of it started to skyrocket.
Well, it is better to see with a chart.

This is Dash, the captain of masternodes.

It had been plundering into the bottom before, but then it rebounded greatly,
because it became one of the masternodes.

The second is, XZC coin.

Zero coin is a new type of Darkcoin. Starting from December, it started to run Znode.
Right away, the value dramatically jumped up.

The WTC I’ll talk about in this posting (well, Walton has skyrocketed while I’m just writing this), is a coin created by Korea and China together.

Before, I used to encourage people to purchase WTC…
In the last September, the price of it did not even reach 0.5 USD

WTC’s target amount of issue is 1 BN units to create its business environment.
It launched on August 27th, 2017.
It aims to create a transparent business model by applying RFID technology (often used for high-way car pass) to blockchain, so it can be used in merchandises, logistics, or manufacturing industries.

As you can see, it has quite a potential in technology-wise, but the result is even more surprising.
Walton accepted pre-masternode, called Guardian masternode, on December 10th to up and running.

And it started to rise fast. It was soon listed on the Coin Nest, and the sales price was 8 USD.
So I bought them when they were relatively cheap, from the Binance and the Coin Nest, for about 2 nodes worth of coins.

The average price was about 70K Satoshi.

But then, just right now, I’m writing this, the Walton picked at 380K Satoshi, for real!
How high would it go up when the masternode starts in full fledge?
I can feel the happiness fills me with just imagining it.


a very useful post :-) @healings

glad to hear that :)
plz visit here once in a while.

Okay :-)

Thanks for sharing nice Info.

Check some out! Let me know if you have any questions... I have signed up for them all!

38만 사토시라니 도대체 얼마를 버셨나이까 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 왈튼 가격 구경하러 갔다와야겠군요

Good job.

오..영어도 잘 하시는군요.

오잉~~!힐링스님 영어로 쓰시믄
저는 까막 눈이라 몬읽어요 ㅎㅎ
그래도 귀여운 힐링스님 대문보고 웃고 갑니다

If I could invent a time machine, I definitely would've go there. The period when all of the cryptocurrencies were not sufficiently known to ordinary people. But I know it's impossible, so I'm now going to Haeundae beach.

pepe chong.jpg

I’d have bought BTC as much as I could’ve if you could invent the time machine.. So plz make the da** machine!

힐링님 갑자기 왜그래요..

ㅡ.,ㅡ 가즈앗

Thank you for sharing coin information :)
dash and walton....!!

업보팅 누른게 동그랗게 돌아간지....20분째....ㅠ
뭔가 오류가 있나봐요ㅠㅠ 흑흑

영어 능력자... 제가 본건...
존버뿐... 이네요...
항상 멋진짤! 부럽습니다!

WALTON GAZUA!!!!!!!!!!

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