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RE: Birthday Sunrise

The video makes me miss summer already. And we're barely into autumn. You're bundled up, so I'm assuming it was rather cool, but it looks warm because of the sunlight. The views are spectacular. Hopefully you took a picnic up there with you. Although if it was chilly, you probably didn't want to just hang around.

I didn't realize that non-edible products were as able to be considered vegan. I thought that was only for food. I learned something.


Don't miss summer, celebrate winter ! :)
It was cool, yes ! A bit cold but we had tea & pain au chocolat as breakfast on top ! Thanks to notice that & I should have film it ^^
It was pretty cold before the sunrise for sure !
Yes, no animals abused in the making of shoes, clothes makes them vegan !
Sorry to reply just now but I'm low on steempower, so I can't reply to all of your comments & it's annoying me ahah
have a great day!