Alright, my "it can't be in a loose pocket" theory is officially debunked: about two miles in the same pants and it counted 17 steps. I give up. Let's see some pretties!
cosmos, right?
I totally walked into this person's lawn to take photos. I'm not creepy at all, I just like your apples. 😂
So yesterday we had a one-day break from the heat wave, and it was nice and cool and RAINED. It hailed about 45 minutes south of me in Manitou Springs. I went out today, dressed for yesterday - after all, early this morning, my weather app said it was 62°F. Bliss! Nope. I was dripping sweat today, literally, on the sidewalk. Oh well, it was nice to have a break for ONE day!
What is happening with these aspen trees??! 😨 They look like they have worms on a bunch of leaves, but they're not worms, they're literally part of the leaf, growing tentacles. What the fuck?! Aliens, man. Aliens.
🐺🐺🐺🐺🍄🍄🐺🐺🐺🐺🍄🍄🐍 (pretend that first emoji is a badger)
Cicadas were singing me the song of their people. Listen:
And that was my walk to Petco and Sprouts, lol. Seventeen steps ...BECAUSE I AM A GIANT. 😁 Have a great Tuesday!
That Red Fish your momma always warned you about
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Yesterday, we went into my neighbour's garden to check how their waterbutt was fixed. They came out to say hello and see what we were doing ... in no time at all it was a waterbutt party!
What in the world is a waterbutt?
+1 for demanding answers to what in the world is a waterbutt and how I too can get in on the party????
Please see my answer to @winstonalden to reveal the mysteries of waterbutts. For the party element, waterbutts are optional (any excuse will do), but you do need sociable neighbours and a handy store of food and drink to offer around. Possibly, if we were younger, the hot weather may have led to some gratuitous jumping into water butts or other water dispersal activities. But as we're older and mindful of hosepipe bans etc, that didn't happen, just "would you like a beer?", "mm, I don't mind if I do ... what do you think of the 300l. Waterbutt compared to the 600l?" And "have you got a hacksaw for the downpipe?"
That is just my kind of party!
Thank you for taking the time, it was just plain ignorance on my party about waterbutts, I probably would have said something like 'That tank that holds all the water from our roof' or something with way too many words.
In terms of any excuse for a party, I'm the neighbor with the fun tools who's not afraid to use them in order to get invited to the waterbutt party!
Cheers Shanibeer!
Let me introduce you to the World of Waterbutts. The one in question looks like this:

But one of the areas for debate was, do we want to plan for this arrangement?
Go for it! Don't butts usually go better in pairs?
Good point!
I too need to know what a waterbutt is! The public wants to know! 😆
I didn't realise it would be so contentious! Please see other replies 😁
Oooooh! LOL. Here we call them "rain barrels." They only became legal in my state last year or the year before. They were banned because in the desert west "water rights" are a hot topic and even though it's much more conservatism to use them, the argument was that if you didn't have water rights to your property, then any rainfall belonged downstream, to whoever had water rights. Which meant that people were draining the aquifer to water their yards so that the rainfall could maybe make it down the sewer? It was really twisted logic.
Sounds about right! I think we call them rain barrels too, in some parts of the country. It's a bit daft, really, even if you had a set of the larger ones, they still wouldn't have sufficient capacity to hold the amount of rain we have in winter ... and in the summer, in a dry spell, they only hold enough for a week or two. In my house they only take the water from the porch roof and the roof over the lean-to. Rainwater from the main roof goes down a drain set in the middle of the roof and running through the inside of the back of the house (in 1973, when the house was built, it was considered an innovation)! I suppose any little helps, though.
Now that is really long legs, Phe! 17 steps! So much for the app! Nice apples. I guess as long as you were looking and not picking, it was okay! LOL In small numbers, cicadas are nice, but every 17 years they come out in force. Then it is wild. They literally covered one wall of my house! And sang all night to boot!
O: Oh my Gods, covering the house would freak me out!!
One year it was grasshoppers and locusts here and it was frikking biblical. I startle real easily so I was shrieking a lot that summer, every time one jumped in front of me. One night walking to work at midnight, it was a legit locust, like seven inches long. My neighbors probably thought there was a murder from the sound I made.
I find it a bit freaky myself!
Actifit counted 8 steps for me yesterday 8... I don't know either. Great photos.
Ugh. And thanks! Lol
My cell phone's been counting my steps since I got it. Not that I ever asked it to turn on this feature. I'm averaging 13000 steps a day just from walking to work and working on my feet. A 30 minute conversation on the phone with my mother (which I find stressful and leads to a lot of pacing) adds 2000 steps.
Is the Actifit a standalone gadget? Maybe a cheap cellphone would do a better job?
No, actifit is an app on my cheap cellphone. LOL You should use it to get some tokens, with all your daily steps!
Indeed, actifit has not worked well for me walking. My best results are to activate it then hold it in my arms while I do stretching, jumping jacks and other shadow boxing excercises.
The alien aspen leaves! I saw those too in the Nicolet national forest! I had some guesses, based on other plants I have seen, either its a virus that affects the dna, a microscopic mite or other bug (like with our hibiscus) or its a parasite pooped from birds. If its a pooped parasite, then it should produce fruit, fruit that birds eat (and then poop), but I haven't seen any evidence of that yet.
I just did another fast google search and wasn't able to find any similar looking pictures, so this will remain a mystery. But eventually I will solve it, because that's what I do to mysteries!
Well done wandering into people's yards. If they didn't want people admiring their plants they would have xeriscaped it ;p
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one confused by the leaves! It wasn't all the leaves, just some of the leaves on a few trees grouped together in the easement. Another aspen around the corner didn't have any. I'll have to look and see what I can find too.
HAHAHAHAHA the xeriscaping. I have seen some pretty xeriscaped areas, though! I just don't get it when people cover the area with rocks, throw in one cactus or grass plant and call that xeriscaped. 😂
Awww, yes those are cosmos and yes that is the creepiest thing I've ever seen growing on a leaf in my life, like FTW for realz....
The cicadas haven't started here yet, I love how they sound like something is going wrong with a power line :)
Sorry about actifit, hope they fix their buggies soon...I can't even use the damn thing because I don't have a phone...seriously if life keeps advancing like this, I'm actually going to need to get one...
I didn't have a smart phone up until a month or two ago. Yeah, everything is on them now! 😵
I like the joke that goes:
What did people think before humans finally SAW cicadas? You usually don't see them, you just hear them. Did people stop and think, "OH MY GODS THE TREES ARE SCREAMING!!" ...?
The trees are screaming... 😂
awesome your all photography.. i like it.★👍