Hey @DaveDickeyYall Look!
#ChickenBitches Spotlight
C'mon ladies, it was a false alarm. Let's blow this pop stand. -Mr. Pendock
Kiss my fluffy butt goodbye Lyndsay. -Big Mama
Darth Layer
What if I really am Luke's Mother?

Now it's time for me to blow this pop stand...
I Spied on a Fisherman
Other Pretties
See life through their eyes...
Walking on Jungle Beach
By @madushanka

My Firts Walk With Me Inspiration by My Brother / Perjalanan Pertamaku Inspirasi dari Adikku By @ezamauliza
Walk with me Lanzarote By @andyjem
Walk With Me ~ Weekly, swimming at the waterfall ~ 8 ~z By @ridhasteem
Do You Have A Heart By @francisk
Walk With Me Through One Of America's Oldest Cemeteries: Sandwich's Old Burial Ground By @winstonalden
A Chicken Roadtrip and Drama in the Flock! By @karenfoster

I hope you enjoyed this #WalkWithMe. Here are some outstanding walks with other Steemians who got out there in the world today, and took us with them.
See life through their eyes...
Walking on Jungle Beach
By @madushanka
My Firts Walk With Me Inspiration by My Brother / Perjalanan Pertamaku Inspirasi dari Adikku By @ezamauliza
Walk with me Lanzarote By @andyjem
Walk With Me ~ Weekly, swimming at the waterfall ~ 8 ~z By @ridhasteem
Do You Have A Heart By @francisk
Walk With Me Through One Of America's Oldest Cemeteries: Sandwich's Old Burial Ground By @winstonalden
A Chicken Roadtrip and Drama in the Flock! By @karenfoster
I leave steem for a few months and come back to the same eccentric posts. I couldn't be happier lol.
YEEEHAAAAAW! A sighting of Darth Layer. 😃
I'm so happy I think I'll do a little dance.........
The Chicken Dance Baby!!!!
When I saw this I was like.....WTF!???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Omg...is that corey feldman??
I don't think so babe.
Just a couple of dudes in desperate need of girlfriends I think 😂
Hey @lyndsaybowes I loved today's #walkwithme the picture of the little boy fishing just fills my heart. Such a beautiful image and so nice that you live in an area where children can be just that!! The innocence of youth.
As always the rest of your pictures are simply beautiful, it really looks as though those shacks could just collapse at any moment .. and there is something quite poignant in that thought/image. Those first buds of spring fill me with hope fo the rest of the year .. slowly but surely winter withdraws it's icy grip and life reclaims the land .. although I know it could flip back to full on winter at any moment.
Another simply beauiful post, thank you for sharing!!
Hey PerceptualFlaws <3 <3 I gotchya hahaa, many many were fooled, but that little boy is just a dock ornament lol! The reason I was even joking about it is he was in a photo a long time ago and people thought he was real :) :)
You're right it can definitely flip back to winter on us a bit more, it's in its death throes and that is a gooooooooood thing xoxo The old fish houses are my favourite too....they definitely have some stories to tell!
I was enjoying some relax with my girlfriend and captured some beautiful pics and back with a new walk
greeting to your little bitches specially Mr. Pendockexciting day my friend @lyndsaybowes
I like the chicken bitches Darth Layer... That's my guy 😜 and the toddler 😍🙏 nice scenery and pic by the way 🎯 have a lovely day 👑
Darth sends her regards from the Dark Side <3 <3 xoxo
That's totally awesome in happy to hear it.. He is good on the bottom.... Just a bit dark from outside 😜 happy valentines... Sista 🌟🙏
Omg this red rooster is magnificent!!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me, I really appreciate seeing your animals!
Thanks for your appreciations, This is my mother's Rooster. because she is also much crazy for chickens. this is one of them.
I also have some ...Do you have a chicken farm @lyndsaybowes? nice to see them, especially the ducks...
I hope it's safe for that little brave boy. Hackett's cove must have lots of fresh fish given the sea around you. Do you like fish Lyndsay? My mom hates fish because of the smell and we try lots of dishes to mask the smell. I love fish.
The low tide comes with so much tranquility. It's really so beautiful at Hackett's Cove.
Thank you for sharing, I really miss my country home.
Yes, I really do enjoy fish <3 When it is fresh, there is not so bad of a smell. Mussels, lobster, more favourites of mine. Where was your country home?
Oh, and so you don't worry, the little boy, is a ceramic statue :) xoxo
I grew up with my grandma, went to live with her when I was a toddler, I loved her so much that I followed her home to the village one day and refused to come back to the city where my parents lived. I was so much in love with their simplistic lifestyle and then Nature.... Oh Nature in all its rawness, innocence, no 'additives', just raw ,pure, un-refined Nature. I was eleven when she died and I left all that behind. Urban areas make me have those nostalgic feelings. With all the kinds of pollution we have in cities, who wouldn't long for those past moments. Don't mind me Lyndsey, my heart pours........
Oooh your Grandma and her village sound like a perfect paradise for a child to play and learn in. I'm sorry that she passed away when you were so young...I really hope and pray you are able to live the simple rural life again one day soon... <3 <3
I hope so too. Thank you so much Lyndsey. Xoxo
I really like to see the view in your area because of us here there is no such scenery ,, success always @ lyndsaybowes ,, I like this post ,,, and I want to share this post ,,, may @lyndsaybowes .. ???
The cemetery looks like a place I would want to hang out. It's quiet and peaceful. Low tide makes everything look like its falling apart, thats pretty cool.
I need to get out more often. I've been too busy. Thank you for showing me what it looks like outside again lol. I see more of yours than I do my own XD
Yeah, busy can definitely suck! What have you been up to mostly?
Work, kids, Kuk Sool, cleaning, unpacking, some baking but not as much as I would like. When my husband is off work we do more together naturally. Catch up on all the house things and and each other. Im tired lol.
I hope you can get the rest you need soon, some Peace and some Ease <3 <3
Freeze snow gives up cooling present of decorations. Stunning me more..
Like to jump to sea and swim there..Ohhh very cold condition and I'm also frozen like as a snow.
Wow...#chickenbitches come today again... Where's smokie looking? She find Mr. Pendock maybe. She's shy lady in chicken family. Mr. Pendock attracting any chicken ladies there. Coz He's handsome character.
Dun....Dun....Dun.... Classiczzz sound :-)
Awesome low tide captures you've taken. I love them much..Various stylish nature clicks gives me more inspiration. Marvelous decorations gives to us and the background.
The fisherman on to the boat and ready to carry fish on the sea. I have question. In freeze condition fish stay live under the water. Can fish live under the frozen condition? I've never experience so why am I asking you. Other pretties also more attraction and now addiction to me. Lol... :-)Hey @lyndsaybowes, A little fisherman boy hunting fish. But never seen any fish yet, I think he's seeking them yet in dock yard. Brave child keep going.....
Just so you know, the boy is a statue :) I don't want you to think there is a child suffering in the cold :)
The fish can live under the frozen water, yes! However, most of the ocean does not freeze here, it is only in the very shallow areas, like our small cove where some freezing occurs.
Are you sure you won't go for the seaweed skirt? If you went for the mermaid look, you might pull it off. ;) You'd probably make anything look good anyway!
HAHAHAAA!!! Ok, I'll try it out :) :) :) You're too funny @minismallholding!! xoxo
All the ice melted? Awesome. There's calmness Now. That little boy must be so brave but the parents should not always allow him out like this, it could get dangerous you know. The graveyard even looks so peaceful.
Thank you ma for sharing. I enjoyed our walk
I just want to let you know so you don't worry, the boy is a statue, a carving xoxo
Aww... Thank goodness! It really looked so alive.
The lighting makes the colors look so nice and vivid in these shots... Interesting!
Beautiful skillz with that canon, as always <3
Love the one of big mama walking away. Funny hair do :P
Her big fro definitely gives her the right to have attitude :) :) Thanks for enjoying the shots today Neighbour! PS anytime you need eggs, just come get some, we're at egg overload here! Take em!!! Freeeeeeeeee!! xoxoxoxoxox hahahaa!!
Bahaha, maybe I shall! Should have come yesterday, it's cold as f out there now, bleck! We did get 4 yesterday and the day before ( one of the "babies" has started laying!!!!) So we've almost had enough, but we did run out on the weekend and duncan was sad, poor fella, lol.
I will arrange a meet up with you soon xoxoxo
Love all the red and green today!! The huge evergreen behind the graveyard is epic!
"Kiss my fluffy butt goodbye Lyndsay. -Big Mama" hahahaha!! How dare you show without treats??!? <3
YESSSSS!! I love that tree so much!!!! Thank you for noticing him/her <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 All alone on that hill, just rockin' it like a boss!! xoxoxo
Must be sooooo cool and shady because of him!! Can't believe how huge!! <3 <3 <3 xoxo
Man! What kind of chicken is that grey one with the head fluff?!
These buildings! Omg I am wondering if some of them will fall down minutes from now? Days? Yikes! Hahah
I LOVE the little building that the fisherman pulled up to. So cute, makes me think of Norway for some reason.
I also really love the photo of the branch with the berries. The colors are awesome. Do you know what it is?
Pretty sure the berries are barberries, another medicinal plant I intend to write about for my NS meteria medica :)
The fuzzy purple branch tips are actually berries as well, of sumac. Very tangy and high in vitamin c.
Cool!! We don’t have a lot of berries where I am at hahaha it’s so dry.
This dude? All of our chickens are mixed up now they've bred a few times. Easter egger (bantam) and Ameraucana. Some white leghorns in there too.
I have no clue what those berries are haha, just leave em for the birdies <3 <3 <3
He’s awesome, something crested in there!! Are they all nice roosters?
Yes, they are all very mild mannered :) If they weren't well...stew time!
That little guy is permanent eh. Solid and steadfast. You can not change chicken treat time. Ever.......super pics. I need something better than my little phone..My pics seem so dull. I dont think that little fish hut is going to stand up much longer. Nice pics however,,,hmmm where should I run tomorrow.
Yeah, he's out there, rain or shine! What a guy hahahaha! Even in snowstorms he doesn't go in. Yeah, how did it go with the camera contest? Was there a winner yet??
oh ya. not I said the cat. I would have been screaming all the way to hacketts if it were me. I have a little something here. I think its a canon..it never seemed to take clear photos..maybe we need to play with it and see. I may try it in the next few weeks. it would fit in a pocket. i could take it on a shorter walk/run.
Yea, we'll have to find something for you!
On Sunday the rails to trails was a pile of wet muddy mush. Today it is cold so it should be hard. So I think I will do rails to trails and take you along on a virtual run. :)))
Great photos of nature Thank you for sharing with us
It seems there is not much ice left. The atmosphere is just as it was after snowstorms. The weather is good for walking and losing the ocean
The chick snakes in front of the chickens
I'm glad you enjoyed the ocean photos and the chicken photos. Thanks for visiting me again @klasanaj!
Beautiful and captivating as ever! How lovely are proud chicken with head above their shoulders:)
Ducks are really on song on surface of cool and fresh water.
Little boy in mode of meditation achieving spiritual growth like Budha:)
Budding of lovely plants has beauty beyond expression.
Fisherman doing its part to make your walk beautiful and making my morning sweet and heartwarming.
Have a great day:)
I'm glad you found the photos to be peaceful. The little boy is a statue just so you know :)
"What if i really am lukes mother" HAHAHAH OMG i couldnt stop laughing. And also the dun dun dun part hahaha. Great banter. Your close up pictures are litterally the best @lyndsaybowes 👌
YAY!! HAHAA My main man :) You always get my funnies, maybe because I'm born and raised in BC hahahaa!! :) :) :) :) Thanks for loving the close ups, you will be able to get those shots too once you get yourself a STEEM powered camera!! xoxo
I think it is because you were raised in BC. It only makes sence 😁 when i have a steem powered camara... oh man that would be awesome
Hey @lyndsaybowes Its wonderful stuff and good steeming about #walk with me.
I always like your awesome photography and interesting article.
Your creativity on standard style.
I sharing some #cock & hen family snapshot of my neighbour house. Its seem very pretty and cute.
I am busy in short work that,s i not reply to your blogs. Its very good and attractive blog.
my support and upvote always with your steeming.
All the best and stay blessed
Oh my friend, this post seemed so nice and warm at first, I felt like I am listening to someone telling me a story about his day. Then it became so funny when you started showing those chinkens but at the end your story sounded so sad because of that cemetery pic :(
Great post. Not so much about the bone yard though. Remember? I am an older man. Ha
Just kidding. Not about the older though.
Ice girl. I see ice. Where are the warm winds. I think in a month or two? We will start to see a much different look than now.
Maybe a shinning sun for you and all the others.
Perish the thought. Ha
No Francis. Wish and hope for sunshine for us.
I will. Thank you.
Just look past the boneyard, and see the life giving tree! <3 <3 That is what was for you! xoxo
We will see some changes very soon, the daffodils and tulips are beginning to sprout their foliage! Won't be going in that ocean though for some time.... June!
Beautiful picture. It looks like a little ray of hope sprouting from the dead tree. <3
Awesome photos Lyndsay! Love it when it is low tide. So many interesting things to see. Looks like the trees are starting to bud. They must think spring is around the corner...
Horray for spring!! xox How's your weather there going? Is it the wet season right now?
Still got icebergs, huh? They're pretty but I'm hoping for your sake they melt soon!
The flock looks healthy and happy. How many eggs are you getting these days?
Yes, more melty melty please :) How's your icebergs doing? All gone? There sure were some beauts!
We're getting between 20-24 a day right now :)
Yeah, ice all gone for a while now - thank goodness. Now the bigger obstacles are mud-puddles and swampy paths. We're getting short freezes and warm teases.
Great to hear!! Bring it on swamps!!
The little boy looks like a movie figure haha, he is always fishing out there?
The fish houses are looking like plenty of houses here in the Philippines.. Sad to see how poor the people here are. I am glad that it is just a shed in Canada! Enjoy your walks!
Yes, he is a figure Sha :)
I'm so sorry for the state of the housing there, it really makes me sad too. Thank you for reminding me, and bringing it to my attention.
Today's walkWithMe session is too beautiful indeed. You shared lot of beautiful things from little boy who is fishing to the man in his boat is also fishing and you were spying. After that you capture some extraordinary scenes. I like these one:

All the best mam @lyndsaybowes and Stay Blessed!
Brave little boy, dare to go out alone in the cold weather
beautiful and very charming. his chicken pictures are very beautiful, I also really like the photo branch with berries. The colors are amazing
These all are wonderful pictures and a nice narration to it. Nice job @lindsaybowes. These #walkwithme idea helps us to appreciate nature much more. It's so good.
Thank you for enjoying the WalkWithMe tag @tolustx :)
very fun topic walkwithme. Spent the day together with Mr. pendock, a clean, clever and funny chicken.
thanks for today @lyndsaybowes
Thank you for enjoying the walk, Mr. Pendock and I send our warmest regards @milend :)
thankswaaaaww ..... I really appreciate it @lyndsaybowes
hehe, that's the excess of the chicken, they do not want to be far away the same people love it like @lindsaybowes, they seem to prevent @lindsaybowes not far from them, the cock is pretty and cute, I love to see it,
very look mr.pendock very happy today. and nature seems to be very friendly @lyndsaybowes, thanks for sharing to us all.
Wonderful photo collection . great photography

Have a great day
Thanks @lyndsaybowes
Never been there, but I’ve heard about the great scenery out there on the east coast! Definitely see it in your pictures!
Very beautiful photos
the brave boy picture is amazing i think that he sit day and night here but didn't get fish yet lol.
smokie smokie.. it seems that you have to be patient for some time, let mr pendock who became ruler of greedy now, wait it's time you grew up with dashing so mr pendock only dare to see you from a distance.
finish with Mr. pendock, join the fishermen go search the fish looks like fun.
It’s a very nice view. Your all captures are amazing....I like the fishing boat very much....and I am very surprised to see the little brave boy.... thanks for sharing.....
I need to tell you, that the boy, is a statue, a decoration :) :)
very beautiful your shots
the pier looks like a scene from a movie that I saw not so long agoLindsay, you have a good imagination, since you are always good at telling imaginative stories with the #chickenbitches, since you answered me a while ago that you gave a good walk thanks for sharing it.
its 91 now, nice photography from you ,, and nice photos of your hens, great and awesome
Hai @lyndsaybowes, this is a beautiful scenery photo, saw snow ice fragments and a fisherman who was paddling his boat, greetings from me @rudirach
Thank you for visiting me today @rudirach :)
Love your single budding twig searching for higher things:) The wooden child had me fooled until I zoomed in - what is the history there or is it just common garden type sculpture? Next pic - you in your seaweed skirt lol!
HAHA this summer I will give that skirt a whirl lolol!! Good on you for recognizing that the boy was a sculpture! xoxo He fools many! Yes, some people have this type of ornament around.
You'd be more inclined to rescue than photograph such a small child alone on the waterfront, but then , the way you scare the cluckers, maybe I have you figured all wrong, ;) heheh
Aww..seru yes yes it seems, want to go there but far @ lyndaaybowes, his cock looks really excited ya .. haha
Success dear
Like literally 😂😂😂
You have an amazing sense of humour 😂. Can see it with the #chickenbitches 😂.
Is this the place where you live 😱
I live at a place where only humans, cars and buildings all around ☹️ So lucky you !!
YA hhahahaaaa!! I'm glad you found that Punny hahaha! <3 <3 <3 We are so blessed to live out here...it took a long time in my life to find my paradise, I soak in the beauty every single day and thank goodness that we found Nova Scotia!
I never get tired of seeing the boats and their cool colors. The red buds are pretty cool as well. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much for not being bored by these photos by now PapaCrusher! xoxoxo I appreciate you walking with me again xoxo <3 <3
really brave boy hopefully gets a lot of results from fishing.
Hahhaaa!! It is a statue, just incase you were wondering :)
ops .... i fooled it turned out. ha ha ha
Wow let me guess, the cabin house, the one I see there what is it? And, the sea side is always amazing, it's almost perfect, I saw the amazing side views and all, it looks pretty good.
Your hens look very healthy too, what do they eat?
#walkwithme is great platform to enjoy
That tiny branch with the moss and lichen - so much color for being sort of all green! Great shot!
Thank you @longsilver! It really popped out at me!!