~ 105 ~ Walk With Me on the Homestead: Mice & Ice

in #walkwithme7 years ago

Has There Ever Been A Better Photo of Dawn King?

She's really living up to the name that @mother2chicks gave to her! Just hilarious.


Image Source


Anakin Skywalker. Everyone's nerves are frayed wondering if he'll strike again.Mr. Pendock and this "One of the Whites" don't find it very funny. They don't find anything funny these days now that Pendock's true identity has been revealed (by @phoenixwren ) as


Luke Skywalker - Bearded Version).Hercules, above photo on the right, is the lowest in the pecking order. He seems pretty tough though, I've seen him take a few beatings from Big Smokie (Revealed also this week by @phoenixwren as


My Father has turned to the Dark Side. -Smoke Skywalker

QUESTION: Who is the Emperor?

More Beautiful Birds


Grace. Big Smokie's Mom.


Wingboots. Mr. Pendock's Sister.


One of the Whites


John Cena shining in the sun <3


The Punisher catching some late day rays too.

There May Have Been Rays...

But it was not warm out! Super frigid winds and...you are not going to want to see this either...


Ice in the cove again, ahhhhhh!!


Two steps forward and one back. It's all good, this will melt away fast, nothing can stop the return of the sunlight. And no, that is not a challenge to the geoengineers :) Dang Coonts.


So, Inside the House Got a Little Weird Today


Without going into boring details, basically, we've had this mouse in our house...and @hendrix22 finally found where it lived today, we could hear it going crazy in the top part of the cabinet for the kitchen sink. Seriously the most fucked place you've ever seen.

And you have to remember, this house is super old and put together with scrap pieces of whatever I don't even wanna know. It involved tearing some of the kitchen apart, and of course we found mould too. Basically it reminded me of the movie "Mouse Hunt". No, we never got the mouse in the end. The bright side however...is we get a mini reno in the kitchen lololol :) YAY. Got a lot of mould and of course the nest and droppings out of here.


There was a ninja helping out too so that was cool.


A very strange Ninja, closely related to Ray Charles.


They have located the mouse's house. The Ninja has a ball cap on overtop of his suit to try and blend in with the "normies".


Thanks Fellas! A great way to bond together on a Sunday, tearing apart a kitchen to try and find a mouse. Hehehe I love it.


To Be Continued...


You wanna me to a whacka da mouse?

No problema, I hater thosea sneaky liddle bastardo’s. They makea my wife and girlfriends a scream anda jumpa ona the nice furniture.

I can makea it looka likea accident likea I did witha tha annoying gavonne Mickey........

He worka fora that fascista bastardo Disney. I no likea that prick.

Don Poltryoni - Upstanding Citizen and Pest control.

I'll put the coffee on!!

Hey ho, hurry up witha that cawfee. I’m gettina thirsty over here.

Dawn King is too much, that's the perfect name!!! Those sticky glue traps are great and catching mice, the next best thing to a couple of cats!!!

Oooh thanks for the advice, I'll have to get @hendrix22 to grab a few of those kind. We tried the regular kind of trap last night...the effing mouse is too smart....got the cheese without even setting off the trap LOL!!!

Hey wait... does he have both legs in one pant leg?


Secret ninja move

Yesss hahahaha!! Equip with a secret ninja storage area in the back of those pants too...what the hell is in there?

@davedickeyyall, You seems un-edited scene. Lol

Omg that pic of Dawn King is priceless..

As for there problem of a mouse in the house... no need to call Spider-Man.. or some secret ninja... or renovate the kitchen.. the solution is simple...


AWww, so cute!! Definitely an option!

Dawn King is one of the funniest chickens I have ever seen. Definitely looks like Don King but also at least in this picture reminds me of Grumpy Cat. That chicken looks sour!

Yeah move aside Grumpy Cat! A new era is upon us...a highly feathered one.

Nothing like a mouse in the house to bring out the macho men! A good way to have male bonding...okay enough already! Brrr! I don't like to see ice in the cove! Isn't it Spring yet? Love the Ray Charles Ninja! Isn't great to be a kid?

Yes, bless their hearts, the macho men and our little Ninja <3 <3 Being a kid would be pretty epic...they give absolutely 0 fucks hahaha!!

😀Dawn King! Omg - too funny!😁😀
Your poor girl hen might become
transgender after this post!

My mom always got "lucky" using
Mary Jane brand candy
on her mouse traps.
Good luck!

HAHAA!! Thanks for the tip about the traps, and omg I hope Dawn doesn't get a complex !! :D :D

OMG, that photo. 😊 Amazing. The best animal portrait of all time.

you might try the old fashioned way. cheese and a mouse trap, or peanut butter ..or maybe borrow old fat Joey Cat for a day or two. hee :)))

We would love to borrow Joey lol!! Poor Opa though....

WEll ya. Joey is going bongo's everytime he gets a pet now he wants to give a love bite. Oh he misses me. Hopefully it is warm soon and he can go out on the deck. That will help.

Yeah and he can try to bite some squirrels and birds instead of poor Opa :)

ya eh. what is with that biting. I am going to have to spray him, if he continues, thanks for feeding him. :)))

Reminds me of the movie Caddyshack instead of a golf course and gophers it’s a kitchen and mice. 😂😂

LOL that's such a great movie....!

Wow...color variations chicken bitches there. John cena, Punisher &Smokie looking to see nicely early morning to my time zone. They give me more motivations. Feeling happiness.
Outstanding background captures taken again by you. It's wonderful to see. sunny conditions seems, under the blue sky.
Finally lyndsay family try to act movie trailer.. :) :) :) Nice to looks ninja kit actions from him.@lyndsyabowes, Ha ha ha first comparison too hilarious. Lol :D

To Be Continued...

It mean see you again next day with movie series.

I tried to take a couple of videos, but they were too scary to show on Steemit hahaha!!

That is too cute! It looks like Dawn King could use some hair, I mean, feather gel! 🤣🤣🤣

She really does need something done there hahaha!! Just wait until there are Silkies, they will put Dawn's afro to shame!!

Oh those lil'buggers! 🐁 nice to see the beautiful chickens! Glad to see the boys bonding. Wishing you successful mouse hunting 🤞

Thank you Jill!

That ninja and spidey looks cool . Great post. Loved it. Mr pendock's sister looks worried and the white one is very pretty😍

HAHA!! I think you are right @tulhachouhdry! Nice to see you visit our family... :)

My pleasure☺

Hey. Lynda i need one favour from you.
Can you please resteem my one post from my blog. Anyone you like. It will be helpful for me to move forward on this platform

Mr. Pendock has proved himself not anti-race. he can live side by side with any race and color is too much trouble for him.

HAHAHA you have a point there @musliwadi!

Just bring in some of the #chickenbitchez 😁

Omg that was SAVAGE!!! HAHAHHAAAA!!!!!!! Yes...might be just what the Dr. Ordered!!!

mouses and mould, sounds like my attack... barf.
The chickens are a joy to see though, I loled at that first pic! Such a perfectly disgruntled expression hahaha.
And John Cena's beautiful coloring, what a stunner. Do you know which eggs she lays? Might have to swap some barred rock's for some of hers in the spring when the broody's get setting.
Spring... I've heard of it....

I don't know what kind of eggs she lays, never caught her in the act yet, but I could section her off for you!! Yesss, we definitely want some barred rock babies!!!!

PS: Happy Spring Break being over heheheee!!!

Oh my goodness haha! Life with kids around all the time, whewee! Its fun but all consuming when you're not used to it haha


wkwkwkwk .. I laugh see this chicken, his face looks sullen and very funny .. hahaha .. great shoot @lyndsaybowes

I'm so happy we could give you a smile and a laugh! That's what we are here for @au7ia!

Thanks @lyndsaybowes, I am very comforted with your beautiful day .. <3 <3 :-*

first two images are really funny...😂😂😂

I can't even look at Mr. Pendock anymore! Sorry about the evasive mouse, hopefully he'll he found soon.

I hear ya @papacrusher, I hear ya!

And this:
Omg her tiny head and big body!! The first pic of Dawn King, she looks fab and mad all at once...this post is the best hahaha!! *except the kitchen mold and stuff....although kitchen reno is pretty boss! <3 <3<3The doea ray charles ninja only have one pant leg hahaha?!! #amazing!

Yeah hahahha I actually forgot about that #amazing ness hahahaha....!! What a guy...Merman Ray Charles Ninja lolololll :)

Thanks for lulzing with me Karen :) xoxoxo :) :) :)

So nice i like it 👪👏👏👏🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃

Oh those lil'buggers! 🐁 nice to see the beautiful chickens! Glad to see the boys bonding. Wishing you successful mouse hunting 🤞images (20).jpeg

Wow!nice hen photos.i like hen so much

hahahah im done fore

HAHA may I ask why?

all of these hahah

This is very cool photography. Every things look very cute and awesome. Thank you so much for sharing this awesome moment with us.

I'm happy you liked the photos @isratjahan!