Walk With Me To Check On Our Bees!

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Things are really getting busy! It is hard to keep up with posting! I'm not sure the days will be long enough to accomplish everything this season, but I'm going to try! One of the chores today was some bee keeping, so this is a #walkwithme as I check on our bees and do my greenhouse chores!

The rhubarb is waking up!

Every day (the nice ones) first thing I roll up my greenhouse sides. As you can see it is a primitive system! There are plans to add a bar to roll it up easily...but that is not a huge priority right now. The bungee cords work great!

Logs and wood hold it down every night and when it rains


Rolled up! Airflow and bees for the plants!!

Some nettle and dandelions in the greenhouse

@lyndsaybowes check out our puddle barometer!! It says muddy.....

Ok, now the bees!!! My friend Lyndsey owns this hive, we keep it here. We sponsor it, if you will. We are getting 3 of our own this month and will be getting out queens from these guys!

Lyndsey in the bee suit. I don't have one yet, so I stayed a bit back

The bees you see, are angry right now. There is no pollen yet really and they are hungry. 3 weeks ago, Lyndsey gave them sugar to tie them over. You will see this on the top brooder, it looks like snow! The other day, in case they ran out we left a bag of sugar for them outside the hive. Yesterday we added a frame from another hive that was full of comb and honey so they could eat real food!! There is only a week or so until there will be flowers budding. They will be fine now.

The full frame ready to go into our hive


Top of the hive open

The bees have devoured the sugar. It covered the whole top when we added it 3 weeks ago. The pieces left are shells...crumbly

The bag of sugar water, there are slits on it where the bees are clumped together. Drink it up guys!

A bee got inside my hood so I'm back a bit now haha!

Checking frames for the queen. We need to make sure she's in here, but judging from the amount of bees and eggs she must be here



7 frames in, we found her!! See the bee with the yellow dot? That's her!!!

Closer view

Now both brooder are open, the bottom one is where the loaded frame will go, it has less frames used so we are encouraging them to start using it.

Slashing the honey comb first will make the bees try to fix it, drawing attention to it so they start eating it. Lyndsey did this, but I was running away from some bees at that point. Scary stuff hahaha!

Close up of the frame we removed. There is some pollen! How cool is the honeycomb they build?? So much respect for bees. Amazing ❤

No pics of reassembling the hive, the bees were so crazy that I couldn't get close. I am so happy they have some honey to eat. I really like this way of bee keeping, we won't extract honey until they have made too much. I appreciate them so much as pollinators, I want them to be healthy, happy bees! Can't wait for our other hives!!

I leave you with another shot of rhubarb because it is so cute
20180430_171212.jpg #ilovebabyrhubarbleaves

I hope you all have the best day!

Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤


I think bees are fascinating. They are so organized and diligent.

Did you know a beehive hexagon is the most efficient shape design? That is the shape that fits the most amount of units in a given area.

So cool @impatientoptim I did not know that! Thank you!!

Love it Karen! So interesting, I didn't know how to recognize a queen. Thanks for the tour ♡

Loved this Post! I don't know much about bees, and this taught several things I didn't know: queens with dots, you can add another hives comb and honey to feed yours, etc.

Thanks for posting!

I don't know much about them either yet, all of that was new info to me too haha!! I will share everything I learn! Thank you @goldenoakfarm <3

Beautiful photos! Your greenhouse looks very similar to ours, we have roll-up sides too. :)
Mmmm... I love rhubarb! I tried to grow some a while back but the chickens dug it up... I need to try again in a safe area!
Thanks for sharing! I enjoyed walking with you. :D

Thank you @squishysquid <3

Aaaahhhh aren't chickens great for that??!? I totally think you should try again:)

That was so interesting!! I enjoyed all the pics of the bees...there's just something so cool about seeing them all packed in together and buzzing away at work!

They are so cool to watch. So chaotic but so organized. I just love them!

I love this! It’s so lovely when you can get some up close and personal photos of the bees. They really fascinate me and I find myself just wanting to watch them. Thank you for sharing this!

They are so peaceful when you aren't messing with their hives, it is so nice to sit near the hive and watch the action. I will be sharing lots more bee stuff! <3

good protect from Bees otherwise you should go to hospital. he he he

Hahaha yes @sabbir1213! So true!!

Holy crap that's one hell of a puddle barometer hahahaha!!! I love that baby rhubarb too lol so wrinkly like an old woman's face lmao :) :)

I love the highly dramatized descriptions of the bees fucking with you lolololol :D Great post Karen!

Bwhahahahahaha Lynds, she always told me to chill if the bees come to you, they are just checking you out so let them...don't be afraid. This time she says "If the bees come to you...run. They are angry......" I did not mess around hahaha! At one point there was one in my hood and one down my shirt and I'm trying to act so cool.....

Oooh holy shit, and you didn't get stung????

Nope! So lucky. I went back before the rain started yesterday and they were much nicer. Thet must have really needed nutrients!