Walk With Me As I Spring Clean The Perennial Beds

in #walkwithme7 years ago (edited)

Rhubarb, sunchoke and flower beds need spring cleaning!


It started with the front flower beds, which I am horrible at paying attention to. Food doesn't grow there so.....it is boring. It was easy, scissors and garden gloves and I had them cleaned out in about an hour! I have a few succulents to add to them and one more perennial (I think it is some sort of lavender bush) and I will likely ignore them for the entire summer, not even watering it. Sorry little gardens, but you will do just great!




Before cleaning the second flower garden, I was about to move this sled that ended up here....

...but it turns out my cat is using it haha!

Lots of debris for the compost pile

Second bed cleaned! Ready for new plants!

This is a pussy willow tree that is way to close to the front door, as you can see. It came from a single stick that came in a Mother's Day Flower arrangement my daughter gave me 3 years ago. I had no idea how easy it was to root and stuck it in the ground right there. It is now basically a tree! I need to chop some off and root them somewhere else for more pussy willow trees soon.




Next was the rhubarb patch. It is always a mess after winter. It took a lot of raking and dead leaf removal. I figured it was also a good time to add some of the new rhubarb plants. No till, so just digging right into the grass. We will mow between the rows and whipper snip around the plants until they are mulched and established. I still have another 16 plants to work into this area, 11 are in so far.

Rhubarb patch before

2 hours later!

I really need to divide these clumps to promote growth


Some dandelion roots from clearing for the new rhubarb. Will make tincture with these!

Yes, despite it being too early to plant until May 24th, I am planting some of my rhubarb babies. It is early days still to be planting things in the ground, there is still a chance of frost so I have been covering the rhubarb each night with row cover. It is working!

New Rhaponic Red Rhubarb

Planting it in a wide arc following the original line of planting. I am adding a second row/arc for the rest leaving enough space to run the mower between


Coverd up for bedtime

Baby rubarb made it through the night

During this chore, my dog started digging in the area where the sunchokes or Jerusalem artichokes grew last year. I decided to take the old stalks out and found a ZILLION chokes! I dug in this area a few weeks back but I guess I dug too deep because here they are!


So. Many. Sunchokes!

They are starting to sprout so I will dig more up tomorrow, replant this area as well as a line of them along the berm bordering our property. I am also going to share them with friends and cook some! They are such a nutritious staple crop although invasive. I think they are totally worth it, perennial vegetables rock.

I stopped at one full tray, it was about 2 square feet of area, I will dig the rest up today to store/replant them

Then, a surprise showed up. Half of our load of soil!! I had no idea any would come today, my husband hooked it up! It is pretty exciting, things are getting real! It's almost planting time!




I hope you have the best day!

One more rhubarb pic;)

Thank you for reading! Take care of you and yours ❤


thank you for the support and the kind upvotes.

I hope it helps <3 <3 <3 Sorry you are being targeted

fantastic post. Thanks so much. had a great fun . loved it. truly

Hi @karenfoster, you have busy days lately. And you have been being able to do those stuff. Salut for you strong woman. Thanks for sharing.

So busy @rikaz87!! How are you doing? I hope you are well! <3

Yes. I am fine. Thanks . wishing you always succeed

I'm so jelly!

We're right in the middle of town with the teeny tiniest patch of lawn, no gardens allowed.

You have such a charmed life to get your hands into the dirt, feel the earth from within!

I thank the universe daily for this <3
This place saved me, our family I think.

No gardens allowed? Boo! What about container gardening? Could you get away with that?

This post has received a 4.96 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @nikokafka.

Mmm lavendar. Matt gave me a rule for gardening and that was we only plant it if we can eat it too. I decided I am putting the kibosh on that plan because I enjoy flowers, even though I am terrible at flower gardens. My plan is low maintenance perennials like tulips, lilies, delphiniums, and lilac trees. It never hurts to attract the pollinators either. Wow! I am impressed that you rooted the oussy wukkiw. What a sweet memory that will carry for years to come. What A smart puss, finding some cool shade to nap in. Great walk. -Aimee

Yes to the pollinators!! I was the same my first 2 years of gardening, I didn't plant flowers because...not food. But! They control other weeds, attract pollinators to your veggies and often repel other instects!! Bulbs are an excellent way to go!
The cat makes me laugh, he is hilarious. We got him at age 9 as a resuce. Crazy personality!

I hope you have the best day!
<3 <3 <3

Hallo @karenfoster🤗
I am happy to see your activity for today, spring is the best time to start planting some food in the garden because will find sunlight enough to grow green better!

Good morning @neilur!! That is right, spring is for planting and it is going to be sunny for a few days!!

Yeah! That's right @karenfoster
Hope all of your plants grow better in this spring🤗

Loved that first rhubarb photo, and the cat one too!

You've sure been busy! I've not touched the flowerbeds yet, as I'm concentrating on the Big garden and getting the late stuff IN!

Hahaha I think the only reason I got them done is that I am avoiding the big garden beds! They are way more work....good on you!

Yes, the veg gardens are "work", but I do them first as they feed us. The flowerbeds are "play" and haven't been touched.

True! I started the veg beds today!

looks great! how cute are those little coiled rhubarb heads just coming up. i love the pussy willow by the house! reminds me i have some weeding to do :)

Aren't baby rhubarb buds the sweetest things!!? They are literally exoloding! Have fun weeding;) <3

Hi Karen! Seems like forever since I stopped by! Great to see you out in your gardens!! 🌹💛🌹
Looks wonderful! I enjoyed every bit of it. Especially the neat part about tge pussy willow that grew itself into a tree! What a great memory 🙌 i am saving your post to show my sis. She wants to plant rhubarb. You make it look so simple and doable! Here's to hoping it's an amazing growing year!! ✌

Heya @yogajill! How are ya?
The pussy willow is a great memory <3 I love it

It was really easy to grow it! She should totally do it! Cheers to a great year<3 <3

I am good Karen! Thanks for asking. How are you? Will you celebrate Mother's Day tomorrow? Looking forward to planting rhubarb & raspberries!!!! It's been an awesome spring so far. Cheers, yes! To a great year 🙌

Oh.. gosh... post season here and must tidy up my raspberry patch!! It's a mess!!

LOL i have no experience with raspberry patches. But, have heard! Good luck with that 😉

Everything looks great! I am big fan of rhubarb. I remember picking and eating it right out of my friend's parent's garden as a kid. :) How did you root the pussy willow? Did you root it in water first or plant the stick directly into soil? I would love to grow one!

Thanks @paradigm42!
I love rhubarb too. That is the best way to eat;)

Right into the soil, so surprised it took like that. You can also root in water I have read! I hope you try to grow one:) Good luck <3

Love the #gardenjournal2018 tag!! I love rhubarb... it just keeps on giving!!!! And such a sexy plant don't you think.. it's colour and productivity!!