Walk with me. Pray for Ghouta.. Pray for syria children

in #walkwithme7 years ago


This is the cruelty of the regime of Basyar Assad killing children cruelly. Removing child fighters sadistically. By cruelly killing children with his combat tool.

Inilah kekejaman rezim Bashar al Assad membunuh anak anak dengan kejam. Menghapus anak pejuang dengan sadis.Dengan keji membunuh anak anak dengan alat tempur nya.


Where to everyone, where the UN he said care about humanity, where the Islamic world. Where?

Kemana semua orang , kemana PBB yang katanya peduli kemanusiaan , kemana dunia Islam. KeMana?


Are not we sad to see this .. we are not destroyed to see his president's cruelty. Who kills his own people.

Tidak kah kita sedih melihat ini..tidak kah kita hancur melihat kekejaman presiden nya. Yang membunuh rakyat nya sendiri.


We have no power to help us just pray. We only criticize the Islamic world to criticize the UN for action .

Kita tidak punya kekuasaan untuk membantu kita hanya bisa berdoa. Kita hanya mengkritik dunia Islam mengkritik PBB untuk bertindak.

May Allah reward them all. Let us pray the same for this to end

Semoga Allah membalas mereka semua . Mari kita sama sama berdoa agar semua ini berakhir

Do not forget the follow and the vote oke. @jolfa

Jangan lupa di follow dan di vote.ok. @jolfa

@lyndsaybowes . She is very care about humanity. hope we continue to care about humanity.


My prayers are with them.