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RE: Where We Will Be Safe

in #walkwithme6 years ago

Thank you for noticing.
I am OK for as old as I am. I am in the seventh decade.
But, I don't act like it at all. I am like a fifty or sixty year old in action.
My heart rate and blood pressure is like a 40 year old.
And much younger in thought too. Ha
I have been going to the workout gym now for three to four months.
At first. It was tough on me to do what I can easily do now.
I am not a Charles Atlas. But, I am much better than I have been for decades.
I am at less than High School weight.
3-5 pounds over minimum for my height. I take no drugs of any kind. Just the finest supplements.
I have been using what Clif High says is good for us.
It seems to be working for me.
Thank you
