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RE: The Future of Hive

in #waivio5 years ago

Man that's again my view. Collaboration of the network to realize value of the collective, whilst granting elemental value and reward also.

I'm very supportive of the ideas you're expressing. You are the very people needed here to evolve this thing.

That's an idea I hold too that for example on a platform like Instagram, there could be actual reward for each post when it's linked to a business that generates sales and has a cultural connection to the collective.

Similar to your restaurant example, I see for instance, a person wearing a branded outfit as DOING MARKETING in those images they upload wearing brand X. Since they've also (likely) purchased that item, the company has received reward already, so then a return for the marketing done by the wearer is a system which benefits both parties.

As is, people pay for brands AND advertise for free by wearing those brands. Only corporate wins. These systems are what will change when we as that free workforce realize how broken that system is.

To just claim "this is decentralised so bring your content" is nothing. There needs to be new systems excecuted that give the outside a look of something that makes better sense. The flow on effect is what then generates that real world use that Blockchain and reward systems will eventually become.

Years yet imo.