Where for lunch? Black Raven. Slovakia, city Puchov / Kam na obed ? Čierny havran Slovensko, mesto Púchov

in #waivio2 years ago



Pekný deň prajem,
Dnes mam pre vás typ na dobrý obed. Ak budete cestovať po pováži, cestou z Bratislavy do Žiliny, alebo pôjdete z Česka na Slovensko cez priechod Strelná - Lysá pod makytou. Mate po ceste jednu z najlepších reštaurácii na okolí. Je úplne jedno aké jedlo si u nich vyberiete, zakaždým to dopadne rovnako. Absolútnym tichom trvajúcim pokiaľ pokrm nedojete.

Have a nice day,
I have a tip for a good lunch for you today. If you will be travelling by road, on the way from Bratislava to Žilina, or going from the Czech Republic to Slovakia via the Strelná - Lysá pod makytou crossing. You will find one of the best restaurants on the way. It doesn't matter what kind of food you choose, it will be the same every time. Absolute silence lasting until you finish your meal.

Bez názvu.png

Čierny havran na nachádza v strede mesta na Moravskej ulici.

The Black Raven is located in the centre of the town on Moravská Street.


Jedna sa o reštauráciu ktorá sa nachádza v pivnici, vchod je dobre viditeľný.

This is a restaurant located in the basement, the entrance is clearly visible.


Za vchodom sa nachádza schodisko, ktoré je dostatocne siroke aby ste sa tam obisli z oboch strán, žial bez bezbariérového vstupu.

Behind the entrance there is a staircase, which is siroke enough to get around from both sides, unfortunately without barrier-free access.


WC je hneď na pravo od schodiska.

The toilet is just to the right of the staircase.



Dominantou reštaurácie je bar, ktorý slúži skôr ako stanovisko pre obsluhu než bar.

The dominant feature of the restaurant is the bar, which serves more as a service station than a bar.


Čapuje sa tu pivo Bradáč. To je celkom fajnové, žiaľ ani na ich stránkach som sa nedozvedel kde sa to Bradáč vyrába, iba to že je to © Copyright Heineken Slovensko

The beer Bradáč is tapped here. That's pretty cool, unfortunately even on their website I didn't find out where Bradáč is produced, only that it's © Copyright Heineken Slovakia


Konečne jedlo, ja som si dal stake z peper saurce. cca 3 cm vysoký kúsok hovädzinky, ktorý sa rozplýval na jazyku. Obalený chrustou zo zeleného korenia a poliaty pálivou omáčkou z redukcie a chilli papričiek. K tomu stake-hranolky.. Jedlo vážne na úrovni. Posúďte samy.

Finally a meal, I had a stake of peper saurce. about 3 cm high piece of beef that melted on the tongue. Topped with a green pepper crust and drizzled with a hot sauce made from reduction and chillies. The food was seriously classy. Judge for yourself.


Manželka si dala jej klasiku, bravcovu panenku z dubákovou omáčkou a hranolky. Panenka dokonala, omáčka správne vykutená. Perfektne naservírovane.

My wife had her classic, pork tenderloin with oak sauce and fries. The tenderloin was done, the sauce properly rendered. Perfectly plated.





Predstavím vám svoje obľúbene reštaurácie v mojom okolí, kde je úplne jedno aké jedlo si vyberiete. Zakaždým to bude zážitok. Toto bola prvá taká reštaurácia. Typ na dobré jedlo.

I'll introduce you to my favorite restaurants in my area, where it doesn't matter what food you choose. It will be an experience every time. This was the first such restaurant. Type of good food.



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