Censorship: Not Just Distasteful But Deadly

in #waivio7 months ago

#diedsuddenly#p #politics #censorship #censorshipresistance


Some people may take pleasure in other's suffering. This person censored the stories of serious injuries and deaths from the COVID jab. I can understand why we would feel that way. It is because of lack of information, or lack of reach, that people went out and suffered these injections. Censorship itself is deadly. People who did know, and people with credentials who knew, many were though afraid to voice their concerns, did so anyway and their posts were silenced. Those that took the jab because they didn't get good information from their doctor, or they got incorrect information from governments, television, and never got to read the other side enough to question the lame-stream media; were denied information.


The above is a what I saw after opening a link from a site whose subject is about a vaccine injury this one: https://greatergoodmovie.org/your-stories/daughters-vaccine-injury/. It is a Youtube link.

The next problem is the deaf ears.

This is why no matter what the issue is, there must be an open market of ideas and no infrigement on the first amendment.