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RE: Object Type - product

dataoperator2" added "description" (en-US):
Volcanica Coffee Ethiopian Natural is a 100% pure, whole bean coffee that is known for its unique flavor and aroma. This coffee is sourced from Ethiopia, which is known as the birthplace of coffee, and is made using a natural processing method.

The natural processing method involves drying the coffee beans with the fruit still attached, which allows for the flavors and aromas of the fruit to be absorbed by the coffee beans themselves. This creates a coffee that is fruity and floral in flavor, with a hint of sweetness and a subtle acidity.

Each bag of Volcanica Coffee Ethiopian Natural contains 16 ounces of whole bean coffee, which can be ground fresh for a flavorful and aromatic cup of coffee. This coffee is best enjoyed black, without any added cream or sugar, in order to fully appreciate its unique flavor profile.

Volcanica Coffee Ethiopian Natural is also known for its sustainability practices. The coffee is sourced from small, independent farmers in Ethiopia who use environmentally-friendly agricultural practices. This ensures that the coffee is grown in a sustainable, ethical manner that respects both the environment and the people involved in its production.

Overall, Volcanica Coffee Ethiopian Natural is a high-quality, flavorful coffee that is perfect for coffee lovers who appreciate unique and sustainable coffee. With its rich flavor and environmentally-friendly production methods, this coffee is sure to please even the most discerning coffee drinkers. Description by ChatGPT.