in #wahhabi7 years ago


Wahhabism is not only an internal threat for Russia, it is also a major external threat. According to Russian analysts, the Obama administration has brought with itself a fundamentally new set of imperialist policies which are now being implemented. During the Bush era, the USA exercised direct control, mostly by means of military interventions, over the Middle East and Africa. This “direct” approach is the way the Jewish lobby and the neocons believed that the USA should maintain its global empire. Obama represents a very different type of constituency (old “Anglo” money) which is vehemently opposed to the neocons and which will agree to pay lip service to the Israel-fosters but, in reality, places US
strategic interests far ahead of any Zionist priorities. In practical terms, this means that the Obama administration will withdraw as many US troops as possible and relinquish the direct control over contested regions and that it will secure its domination over a country or region by means of chaos. This is a policy of indirect imperial control. After all, why invade and occupy a country, thereby losing US blood and money, when one can use proxies to create a situation of absolute chaos inside that country? In the best of cases, chaos leads to a Libyan-style “regime change” and in the worst case, a civil war like the one taking place in Syria. But in either case, undesirable heads of state like Gaddafi or Assad have been “defanged” and their countries removed from any possible anti-US alliance. As for the “good guys” of the day (say Abdullah in Jordan or Hamad in Bahrain), they are protected from the surrounding chaos at very limited costs. According to Russian analysts, the Wahhabi and “al-Qaeda” types are the foot soldiers of this new US imperial policy. The US simply “injects” them in any society wants to subvert and then it sits on the sidelines without much else to do than to send in special forces to assist here and there, depending on the needs of the moment. In this situation, the CIA agent is the puppeteer and the Wahhabi crazy is the puppet, whether it is aware of that or not. The big fear of Russian analysts is that this US strategy will be used to remove Assad and then that it will be used against Iran.


True, Syria has a large Sunni population, whereas Iran is predominantly Shia, whom the Wahhabis hate with a special seething loathing. Still, Iran does have small Kurdish, Turkmen and Balochi (Sunni) minorities which, combined with pro-Western “Gucci revolutionaries” of the upper classes can pose a real risk to the regime. And, if not, there is always the option of triggering a war between Iran and some Sunni country. Most Russians analysts believe that Iran is strong enough to resist such attempts at destabilizing it, but they remain very attentive to the situation because they agree that if Iran was to be engulfed in some form of US-sponsored chaos this would directly affect the southern regions of Russia. Some analysts also see this US “indirect” or “control through chaos” strategy as a “win-win” for the USA even if their Wahhabi proxies are defeated. They ask a simple question: what will happen if Assad convincingly wins the war in Syria? Where will the Wahhabis go next? Back to Mali, which they temporarily left to avoid engaging the French? Or into Algeria, to start a civil war there? Or maybe into Kosovo or even southern France? And what if these Wahhabis decided to “test the waters” in Kazakhstan? This type of concerns brings some Russian security specialists to actually see a positive aspect to the war in Syria. Simply put—Assad is killing a lot of al-Qaeda types and every Wahhabi crazy killed in Syria is one less candidate for a transfer to another holy war in another part of the world.


We now can clearly distinguish the rationale behind the Russian policy not to threaten to shut down NATO supply lines over Russia, regardless of the amount of obnoxious and hostile pronouncements and actions from the US side: the Russians want the Americans to remain in Afghanistan as long as possible to give time to Russia and its allies like Tajikistan to prepare for a Taliban regime back in power in Kabul. In the meantime, Russia is strengthening its powerful 201 Russian Military Base (ex-201 Motor Rifle Division) in Tajikistan and providing technical assistance to the Tajik Border Guards. As part of the recent reforms of the Russian Armed Forces, the entire Russian military has been reorganized into four Strategic Commands, each capable of independently waging a regional defensive war independently by directly controlling practically all the military forces and resources in its area. It is interesting to note that while the Southern Strategic Command is the smallest one in size, it is by far the most combat ready. If there is anything which the 08.08.08 war with Georgia has convincingly shown, it is the lightning speed at which the 58th Army and the Black Sea Fleet were ready to go to war (and that even though it took the Kremlin quite some time to finally react). It is quite clear that following the Russian successes in Chechnya and Georgia Moscow is most definitely not letting its guard down and that it will remain ready to engage in a wide spectrum of military operations ranging from local clashes to a full-scale regional war.


SOURCE : https://thesaker.is/


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Now I understand what was happen in Syria. This is good article and give me a lot of informations. Thanks for the post

This post really fact in Syria

Support Syrian Civil against terorism

Thanks for all friends @awirzain @munawirqaseem @Herry88

some of this article took from THE SAKER
Wahhabism is a real partner of USA and Zionist to attack Syria and all Middle East countries

@cheetah the source of this article take from The SAKER and I wrote a source link above

Wahabi is not park of islam

@herry88 I agree with you

It's just in your mind, but they still in Islam, but their way is wrong

@herry88 I did not write like that, sorry I don't agree with you. I assume that Wahhabi just an extreme ideology and not according to Islam. Islam is Peace

I think wahabi is bulsheet