Let's talk about moments
The ones that last forever
The ones that last for a second
The ones saved in our galleries
And those best lived without the cameras
The moments shared with the best of people
The ones we couldn't have dreamt of
Those moments that took away our tears
Or those that cause the waters to roll down our cheeks, but for the sake of joy
The ones spent with others on the road
And the moments we spent at home, alone.
And there are those that really brought the tears
This time not of Joy, but actually of pain
Pain with whom we had no one to share
No one to look into our eyes and say they care
The momemts that followed a series of rejection letters
The ones best fit for the definition of depression
The moment you realize you've lost a loved one
One which you would refuse to believe, in pains, and more tears, for the years to follow
Moments of heartbreaks
The ones that are really hard to take.
In all of these, here's a word... or two for you
In the good times, do not trade your happiness for anything
In the bad times, do not lose faith even when that is all that is left to lose.
I love you. Jesus loves you more.
Well said......@writeit...
Thank you so much.