@friendlymoose you've been struck by VYBolt Lightning!
Thoughtfully answer the question below within 12 hours to earn 5 VYB (liquid).
"Are there improvements to the standard curation efforts that you would you like to see in the VYB tribe? If so, what are they?"
Tag one friend in your reply to continue the lightning chain.
Only replies from @friendlymoose to this comment will be eligible for VYB rewards.

This reply is directed to the #"comment in the chain for more information. link in the chain. Please view the first @vybolt
@friendlymoose you failed to respond to VYBolt within 12 hours and a lightning strike has been applied to the VYBolt lightning chain (we understand that it's a busy time of year!).
Temporary message template. We're experimenting with a new approach to keep the VYBolt chain active. We have set ourselves only one rule for VYBolt so far, that is: only one VYBolt chain per #vyb post.