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RE: FOOD 101 - Some Basics Of Eating Well

in #vyb3 years ago (edited)

Check out these guys he’s about to turn 60

I think we all have to follow our own intuition my bf has the same beliefs as you on meat but he’s 12 years younger so I guess hard to compare at this point lol but it’s his choice I never force people to change but personally I’ll never eat meat again. I don’t mind eggs that are pet chickens which, you can get hold of around the countryside.


You look like you are in great shape! - most people's idea of a vegan diet seems to be to cut out animal products and keep eating all the other crap.

A quality vegan diet is very hard to do, and we have seen some real train wrecks - although the things we are seeing now with the stressed and jabbed are a whole new level of train wreck...

OMG most vegan diets are definitely less healthy than meat. I don’t touch that fake meat, maybe once a year. Fake meat is made of almost entirely rehydrated wheat or something. Being vegan doesn’t make you healthy. It’s kinder for animals but isn’t necessarily healthy, the two are not automatically linked. I’ve seen people exist on fake meats, fake cheese, mayonnaise, bread and cookies! I think people are vegan for different reasons I do it for health and animals, I’m not the strictest in the world as I’ll eat eggs if I think the source is good and they are not farmed ib a way the baby boys are killed, but I try and eat everything as close to it’s natural form as possible. I eat as close to those guys on the healthy life as possible rly Altho they are a bit of a step up as they have more money to play with. It’s not that cheap as a lifestyle!

This spaminator thing following you is super annoying it’s not even a vote weight is it?

I'm black listed by the Hive cabal for being disobedient and all my posts and comments are auto downvoted after one minute.

More annoying is that if I post anything with the rewards not turned off it gets nuked down to zero on day six to make sure I can't earn any rewards, and also to bring my rep down.

That is standard for any account that is being censored on Hive - there are dozens of other accounts being attacked at the moment, including some of the most popular accounts on Hive.

And that is why I've pulled out nearly all my HP and am only using VYB now!