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in #vyb3 years ago

Exactly. Stand there and mumble.

Honestly and sincerely, to the best of my ability in words, please understand, I don't care about not being on that list. I don't care about what reason you want to offer me as to why, as I never asked, nor cared. I haven't even published anything in four months and I doubt I'll start any time soon. The vibe is just fucked nowadays.


Yes...the vibe is unfriendly...

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Yeah. Maybe don't be a dick. Try that.

I'm pretty sure the comment I left here was of a positive nature. So maybe pull that stick out of your ass, inspect it, and if it needs to go back in, shove it back in, but don't ask me for lube, because I don't have any.


Great comment at the end of that thread, very big picture. Hope you can find the vibe to create a bit more over here, it's not all completely fucked.

Every year I go away for awhile and I completely disconnect from the internet, and damn near everything else.

Coming back online often feels like entering a new world or foreign country and you don't speak the language. I was incredibly excited to come back and in a stellar mood as well. To make a long story short, it didn't take long to discover some drama around here. Someone took it upon themselves to mention me in a bashing session. Followed that notification and the trail of breadcrumbs. Wasn't impressed with what I saw. Even here in this fucking comment section I'm being treated like I'm in support of something that I wasn't even around to see. Being accused of all kinds of bullshit and I wasn't even around to be a part of it.

Last time you and I spoke was probably back in July. Was I in support of a few issues around here and bashing you folks? No. I spent several hours and a few days trying to help sort things out, providing a good healthy dose of honesty, and not putting up with any bullshit, because I wanted some problems solved once and for all.

I just found out about this new tribe from this post after someone I follow reblogged it. So here's the 'solution' but unfortunately I've a feeling it'll be a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Hive, and the decentralized nature of Hive, now provides members with a platform free of downvotes. It exactly what they fucking wanted. But I doubt they'll make the adjustment, put the problems in the past, and move forward. There's literally no excuse now to be out there bashing the community and pretending to be suppressed. There were second layer options the entire time but those were ignored as well.

These second layer tokens, it's still Hive. If HIVE is the dollar, these tokens are like the pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. They can earn on Hive. They can covert their pennies into dollars if they want. They can convert their efforts into having a say in governance. All these choices are on the table and available to everyone. But like I said in that comment, you can make a million changes, but you can't change the people. They'll continue on bashing.

So all this combined and having my heart ripped out of my chest for no good reason at all makes it damn near impossible to want to 'create' something. My head's not in the right place now. Maybe in the new year. I want to get back into it but... blah...

HaHa, well said "Damned if you do, and damned if you don't".

It is agitators who agitate and then have to (want to?) deal with an agitated field.
In every case of a downvote there was an initial. I think it would be wise, if one receives one, not to react immediately, if at all. The immediate reaction is registered, of course, and in the further counter-reaction something is carried on that would probably not have gained energy at the beginning through healthy ignorance.
I perceived vindictiveness or "I'll show you a lesson now" and I see little difference in the respective camps where I observed it happening.
Making it an open stage, you can question that, find it annoying or stupid (which I found it sometimes but then there is something other to it ... ).
The fact is that it is happening.
I don't have a cemented position on downvotes (I just don't use them myself). It seems to be quite proxy conflicts that people seem to have privately but don't make public themselves.

One can be watchful of where one gets drawn into. Without realising it, one gets pulled into a position to which one has not willingly positioned oneself. However, I myself do not need to interpret anything into statements in which my username appears, but I would think that if people with quick guns take any appearance of my username as a guilt of contact with a chosen enemy, that such is nonsense. The same applies, of course, to the reverse case of me being counted as one of the "good fellows". That can only mean that I am being torn in two. Good thing this is a virtual me, isn't it? If that was, what you meant with "Damned if you do...."

If I had received a big downvote, I would probably tell my man and he might shrug his shoulders and say: "don't take it seriously, hun. Do what you think you want to do and your downvoter will probably calm down again." Even this fictitious conversation with my hubby would be good advice for me.

I think it's not the worst thing to keep the playing field uncertain about "which side" one belongs to.

Although, I suppose conflict is always good for something.

Good luck with creative muse in the next year.

Complex issues can't be tackled nor resolved by simply taking a side.

One is not fully functioning in a decentralized environment if their first instinct is to attempt to change everything for everyone the moment they have a problem. Complaining incessantly and acting like the manager is supposed to come and intervene when there is no manager leads nowhere, of course. Society seems wired to only know that way of living. The one in charge is supposed to do everything and the people are to sit and wait for it to happen, is how the brain works, and it'll be difficult for people to cut ties with that wiring then begin to realize if they don't like something they can simply take action, bend and shape the world around them without asking for permission or waiting to be given the go ahead.

A perfect example of a dysfunctional thought process in a decentralized world has been taking place almost nonstop lately. Some would say their covid material is under fire so therefore Hive is censored, for instance, rather than being more realistic and thinking it seems my material is under fire so therefore I'll create a platform dedicated to that material and nobody can stop me, because Hive is not censored. Then when some add another layer of irrational thought processing and include this idea of the actions of a few must speak for everyone, the problem can only persist, since those not responsible are now responsible for fixing something they did not break and those wanting change are doing nothing but yapping.

People talk about the differences between web 2.0 and web 3.0. Web 2.0 helped shape society as it is today. That's society 2.0. And I think it'll take several years before society can learn to take advantage of society 3.0. The technology and opportunities will shift but many minds will stay behind in the old world. That can already be observed and studied on this platform as it develops. Applying old world politics to a decentralized environment is akin to using a rock to pound nails. Apply force and the tool simply shatters. Meanwhile a far superior tool is sitting on the shelf still in the box, but the people fear it, and it didn't come with instructions. Freedom to act.

It is true that taking the freedom to think and act without asking permission is a way of not giving up power over oneself to others. This may mean that you are considered a criminal, either because of laws that have been passed out there or because of rules that are considered set in a system. Acting freely also means exposing oneself to risk and being able to expect some consequences. In order not to completely deprive oneself of one's ability to act, I think it is wise not to get involved in "me against the others" matters.

I admit that it takes some courage and self-knowledge to practise such free action and not ask for permission or demand a solution coming from above. However, the habit is deeply ingrained, I would think and agree with you. I find it a difficult task to always know and recognise where and how I can walk the tightrope without falling. There are situations in life where I am weak and others where I am not.

A situation stands and falls with how much trust I have in myself and my fellow human beings and where it is my mistrust and anger that wins.

Besides what you call yapping, there are also provocations and other forms of expression (despair, sadness), and so on. All this may be merged in my perception and I may dismiss it as "nonsense". I leave the space for my own error here and would conclude by saying that everyone probably takes on a certain role that involves an important learning experience just for their life situation. I would not want to deny anyone the potential to develop in this because, for example, someone takes up a position that is clearly visible to the outside world or, for my part, try to react to this person with too much pressure.

One could see all this struggle as a birthing act. The debates, the fights, the clashing encounters. I am certain, all involved will take some learning out if it.

I like your tool analogy, speaking in pictures says it often better.

gonna be honest I didn't read everybody's things or know of sides other than I've been here , O.G. bigtime and then just ghost out cause of whatever is going on half the time, I hope people can take the crap and instead of I guess polishing a turd (wrote a post on it and usually get all deep thought)

anyhow, hope olive branches get passed and not sure what happened and honestly don't have time for being a sad chick BUT the web 3.0 is scary, people schooling on ZOOM giving unfettered internet access at times to kids but banning books. that's the end of my rant and some days I hope half the "anti-social sites" stop screwing with us. O.o

Lube makes the world go round...

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You see how easy it was to drop the ridiculous platform politics and go back to fucking around?

"The conversation sucks but the sex is good"

Not without lube it isn't!

We were having a serious argument, and now you are going on about rooting sheep and dry gays...

Are these serious issues?

I am not choosing sides here. I wanted to point out something about #vyb. People are free to be a dick and have different opinions. They just no longer will be downvoted for it. Always feel free to counter with your words.

I will say I don't think he was trying to be a dick to you (I could be wrong). It looks like one of those cases where you may have misread the intent. I've been there and done that myself.

No need to choose sides. The being a dick part was putting words in my mouth and painting me as a villain the instant I walked in the door. If you think back to July you'll remember the talks between you, myself, several others.

In over five years here, not at one point have I ever been 100% happy with how downvotes are being used. I walk into the new tribe free of downvotes and I'm made out to be one of the reasons something like this needs to exist. I didn't misread something. It clearly says I feel a certain way about something, yet what was said isn't true.

Several others in what I'll call the anti-downvote crew lately have also been incredibly difficult to work with and have been throwing me under the bus then dragging me through the mud since before I even returned from a nearly four month hiatus. So my frustration has snowballed into a much larger issue. But frot and I go way back so it's not like I'm sitting here holding a grudge.

Probably worth mentioning as well. People are reading a Canuck and a Kiwi banter back and forth. It's not as serious as it sounds.

Yeah I don't remember all of the discussions on down votes I have had. I started doing that not long after steemit went live. I eventually realized I couldn't think of a solution that I couldn't also easily exploit and invalidate. Some of them I could also see introducing new problems.

I'll admit #VYB is the first experiment I've been excited to give a shot in a long time.

I used to get pretty involved in the down vote discussions. Now I only chime in when specifically mentioned, or in rare cases I can think of anything worth saying on the subject.

That doesn't happen that often anymore.

Well, yeah. The issue is far too complex and has simply devolved into 'good vs evil', which is something I don't have the patience for, most days. Irrational, unreasonable, unrealistic. One must either knock down the entire system to the point of calling it a complete failure, or say nothing at all.

But now Hive offers a platform free of downvotes. So people can simply make a choice and be happy with it. In theory that should boost morale around here and allow those in need of it plenty of time to focus directly on their craft.

Deep down though I think some folks will still hold on to what's been making them feel bitter, completely ignore what appears to be progress being made, and continue on bashing. For some, adjusting to change is not the easiest thing to do. The entire attention economy based around bashing the platform was basically destroyed in one fell swoop. No battle was won, no battle was lost. No winners, no losers. Rather than arguing now one can simply point to the options on the table and ask them to choose.

And of course if this is successful, more options will come, catering to those with special needs, as has been the case for several years now. The door is wide open. Hopefully the potential, this time around, is actually embraced, and not squandered. Hopefully this helps remove the blinders as well.

Breathe deep... Remove butt plug...Release sphincter...

A New Year's post might come in pleasant though.

I'll think about it. In the meantime you can have this really old new year post that now looks like crap and seems like it was written by an idiot.