- Hmm this is a little embarrassing. I was in college at a house party at a friends house, we were burning the midnight oil trying to finish a keg in the sun room at the back of the house and there is a bathroom that has a window that adjoins the sun room that was open.
I had to take a pee and went in there and typical of a young man I exclaimed something very loud like its huge when I unzipped my pants. Something like a dinosaur tail. My friend outside heard and laughed and someone called me leifasaur, and it has stuck from there.
I hope that there are no taboo subjects here, whatever people want to share will be taken like that and discussed without retribution against them for the subject. If you don't like it move on. If you like it and it is original content give it an upvote. Simple.
In the new year I hope we can move away from this fear driven reaction about this virus that we are all going to have to learn how to live with.
Thanks of the post and contest @mineopoly.
Hello friend,
I would have never imagined.
I think that is one of the big perks of this community. It's a place to discuss what you really want to. If people don't want to hear it they will just pass by. There will be no punishment for choice of subject material.
This was taken off Youtube:
Yes, fear is a terrible enemy of mankind. I'd like fear to be gone.
I was just wondering @leifasaur,
Did you live in Africa your whole life?
Thanks for the response.
I grew up in a small town in Eastern, Oregon. @oldmans sometimes shares some pictures from parts of Oregon that take me back. I left there for 13 months when I was 16 and lived in Sweden. I came back for my last year of high school. I then went to University in Denver, my 3rd year I studied abroad in Ghana and got the taste of it then.
In 2013 I moved to Ghana permanently and have been here for the last 8 years.
Thankyou for this story. It has always sparked curiosity. A large portion of African students in Korea are from Ghana. I have followed your blog on Blurt and your camera lens (your eye) is special... I'm glad to see you on vyb. I hope to see both Blurt and vyb on the moon.