
We will help you meet new friends here @ghost.queen

I hope @doubleworld has a notification button on.

Here's some !LUV to start the day with.

Hello, still trying to get comfortable with how things work here. Seems there's a party going on here.

Yes. It's a pre Valentine's Day celebration,

It takes a few days for people to notice what is going on. So I started the party on Monday and it will end on Valentine's Day. There is no competition. It is just a lot of LUV and !PIZZA. At the end there will be some VYB candy and funny prizes.

You don't seem to be a bird brain to me but very insightful. Here's what I assume people mean by the odd saying

OMG!! I have never seen anything like that and I have had a lot of comparison anatomy lab time.

I think I have one more !LOL

I could get in trouble for stealing from the kitchen supply store
But that’s a whisk I’m willing to take.

Credit: reddit
@buffalobison, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @mineopoly
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (4/4)

Hello once again. I'm here now, but I feel like an ant standing amongst giants. I'm pretty lost.

This won't last for long. Friends are all around but you may not know it yet 🙂