in #vyb3 years ago (edited)

It’s 24 years now, since I first discovered the internet, and started posting stuff online as well as emailing with people. That was a different world, where in a way, just being online was a shared common interest, and for the most part it seemed like we were all pioneers in a new frontier.


Yesterday I listened to a 3 1/2 hour interview with David Icke. He was one of the first people whose content I discovered online back in 98. Usually I avoid sharing videos, especially long videos, because who has time to watch them? But this one struck a chord with me, because he covered so many of the things I’ve been trying to say for the past two years. And it works well as an audio so you can listen to it while you do other stuff.

Here it is:


If there is one standout point he makes, it is that the key to ending this latest round of the bullshit that has been going on in various forms for hundreds of years, is to respect yourself and never acquiesce to that which you know to be wrong, even if it is more convenient.

It is only by taking responsibility for our own actions that we can end this oppression. Nobody is going to come and “save you” so grow a set!

A lot of people seem to be scared to say what they really think online. Maybe because I’ve left a 24 year trail across the internet, under my own name, that I can never hide or delete, whatever happens, I’m past caring.

Anybody who wants to see what I’ve posted online can just go to Wayback Machine and have a dig around. All they need to know is my URL. (Hint: it’s been since November 98)*/


One of the side effects of never holding back online is that I’ve both made and lost friends. Back when I used Facebook, I had about 100 real life contacts unfriend me in one year, and I suspect many of the remaining ones had me muted. But I did also make over 500 new (non real life) FB contacts who were on the same page as me.

Facebook is another globalist propaganda site I’m now only too happy to ignore, but it was interesting to see that many of the people I had previously thought of as friends, were not people I really wanted to continue interacting with, either online or in real life. I didn’t really rip into them or anything, but honestly, some of them were utter tools...

Which brings me to email... Being old school I still regard email as the first line of online communication. Not that emails are private or anything, with every email being monitored and permanently stored by the globalist spy networks. But they are convenient, and for non sensitive content I don’t care all that much that they are being scanned and stored.

Over the years I’ve saved hundreds of email contacts, many of whom I now have no idea who they even are, let alone if we are on the same page.

Now that networks of contacts are becoming more important by the day, I’m having a big clear out and update. And part of me would like to just send out a potentially divisive email to every last one of them in order to separate the wheat from the chaff.

But that probably wouldn’t work very well, simply because in this age of relentless spam most people probably wouldn't even read my email, let alone reply to it saying “bugger off you dangerous conspiracy theorist!” And also, most of those old email addressees are probably no longer current anyway.

“Yeah, nah”, as Ozzy Man would say, maybe I will send out this email to a bunch of them just out of curiosity, just to see what happens

Same page about what exactly? To cut a long story short I’m entirely on the side that is calling out the coronahoax as a giant globalist scam, and I totally refuse to wear a mask, let alone submit to “the jab” or any other NWO fascist bullshit under the pretence of an imaginary contagions virus. Fuck that for a joke.

The globalist narrative is imploding, and now is the time to hasten that implosion, we do not all have to wait meekly for a convoy of Canadian truck drivers to save us, we can each get up off our knees and live as free humans just as soon as we decide to.

What is happening in Canada is great to watch, but we can all take our own form of action, here and now, wherever we are, with or without a truck! Our side is growing by the day, and we can win this.




It is only by taking responsibility for our own actions that we can end this oppression. Nobody is going to come and “save you” so grow a set!

Big up! Fuck the doom and gloom with a barbed wire stick though. Gotta bring that love. Never easy mind you, one day at a time with those close to you and hopefully the perception can take shape. Alienation is a tough one to handle if you're not primed for it.

That first artwork is sick. Reminds me of this trippy game I used to play with my bro on the old skool Macintosh desktops.

Thanks - yes I let rip on that picture, it was fully digital rather than a pen drawing with edits like I usually do.

I’m moving to Mexico. 🇲🇽

the weather is hotter !

Yeah the Rose-Icke series have been great during the pLandemic!

Had a wee browse around was a thing back then too've certainly got consistency bro :D
"but at least it's still purple"

Back in the 90's I had a purple bike shop, sponsored a tean of purple clad riders, and even drove a purple car!