I published this back in 2019 on the 22nd of January.
I'm going to decline the rewards as I am a firm believer in living presently (mentally and creatively, for the most part, I still believe I'm 20 with a rocking body). I've already exhausted this avenue for author and curation rewards on the Whaleshares blockchain.
No idea if the format will work, I've just dropped the HTML and made some edits. I'll see how this goes and I'll consider moving over some of my older content in this manner. It's pretty bleak although we do need slithers of darkness to truly appreciate the light.

Contained within, dimensions apart.
Pressurised and trapped, right from the start.Elements of nature, shrunk down to be poured.
"She'll cherish this forever! It's almost complete.
Just a few drops of water, before I grab something to eat."
A delicate tap on the glass, and away he went.
Cheerful music hums in the background as our mysterious maestro strolls out of the laboratory. Upon reaching the doorway he flicks the light switch and darkness consumes all but the worktop where his creation proudly lays horizontal.
Fluorescent light beams down elegantly upon the glass prison,
illumination is necessary, to heighten our vision.
We zoom in much closer, admiring the scenery.
Sandy shores and luscious blues, it's been cut back of greenery.
A holiday of a lifetime, which they were promised.
"Glen this is wrong. What has this maniac done to us!?
You said he was your friend, a man you could trust."
"No point crying-waiting for your lifetime to run out.
We're a spectacle now, get rid of the doubt."
And with that impasse, the four becomes duos.
Then all of a sudden,
two giant pupils.

He spoke to himself often. It was never the same once his dearly beloved passed. Always too consumed by ideas and work, no time spent with the one he loved most. Within that is the reason for the loss of his mind. Only his daughter for comfort, she's about to turn nine.
"Well, I guess I better go and check on the little one."
Giant hands,
w i d e n e d - e y e s
A twinkle of curiosity cast upon them.
Silence from outside the glass,
but in her mind was destruction.
The fingers clasped around the tube,
interest was for certain.
In one swift move,
an aggressive grasp,
there appeared the final curtain.
The inside of the tube swirled and whirled as she recklessly held it above her head. No animal life could survive the crushing pressure of the rocks sliding. Then comes the spinning. Full revolutions of the arm. Colours mixing deeper with every full rotation.
A creaking door,
a single footstep,
a panic ALL-consuming.
His cries of anger bellow out,
while his daughter finds it amusing.
Palms out front she walks to him,
All that's left is a shattered dimension,
the contents of it black.
Alright alright, enough procrastinating, back to posting the VYB Curation Project announcement post!
Get down with your bad self today you funky bunch.
edit: fuck! I was positive I set rewards to decline but there is no strikethrough on the pending payout.
oh well, moving on. I'm just going to keep the rewards as I don't care that much to piss about powering down and liquidating. this is a good discussion starter actually, it's not that easy to remain in a constant state of powered-up if you make cock ups like this on the regular.
imagine having to decline all your rewards to protect your layer 1 rep. fuck sake.
That's creativity for you...we separate things out into patterns that make sense to us ... we pick 'n mix the elements into a new creative rendition of thought ... it fits, it's perfect in our eyes ...we gift it from within ... what the world outside does with it, is beyond our control. Each person finds their own joy or 'otherwise' in what is presented...some will share in the delight of the construct, the colour of our thoughts; what lies deep within, hidden beneath the undulating trapped waves ... others see the vessel and want to break it open so that they might impart a little of their own energy to the situation... their delight is real too...just not as we had envisaged it ...and 'black' ...well that's just a combination of all the 'light' there is in the world, isn't it? I hope you gained something beautiful out of the experience :-)
Jeezo, it's taken me a short to get back to this 😄 busy few days!
Do you reckon this could be perceived as the left-brainer wanting to take something apart to see how it works? That flips the yinyan!
I'm realising even now in myself that this may not be the best time to reply to these comments, although I'm still going to because.. well, because I feel bad about not replying in a timely manner? Even in this decision to click the "reply" button there is a creative decision that can go unnoticed.
OH yes, I learned how to love.
Rewards are indeed declined (for HIVE, POB, and every other token except VYB). On VYB the Hive 'decline-rewards' feature is ignored. As such, there is no way (currently) to 'decline' rewards on VYB.
However, the POB front-end has a bug in that it does not show the POB rewards with strike-through even though no POB will be paid out when decline-rewards is selected.
Intentional abuse of the VYB 'ignore decline-rewards' feature will result in disciplinary action (e.g. temporary muting). Clearly stating up front that this is a re-post of old content should generally suffice. However, this is one of those topics that needs community input as we move forward (as in, what constitutes abuse and how will we respond to such abuse).
What a perfect color for the madness of this world. I wish you bright, white light. Please look for it to your left, you’ll find it there amongst my tears.
Right back at ya!
This is interesting to me, I don’t quite understand - probably just because I’m new to the whole world of Hive.
I like your writing style. Your use of formatting really drives the story line to a deeper reality!
It's a bit of a energy sap for me to be honest. I should be more careful with this kind of stuff, you never know when it will tailspin. I hope @frot doesn't mind me tagging him so he can explain in better detail (I also hope he doesn't resent me for chaining the energy drain).
Cheers mate! This was actually written while I was in the midst of an abusive alcoholic past, it's interesting to look back and see how my reality was shaped back then.
Thanks for stopping by! (PS. I'm loving your content so far, especially the dream logs!)
Fair enough! Thanks for the response and for bringing in a reference - and especially for checking out my work! Have a great day!
LOL - @calumam wants more detail! - I'm not really a details man but here is a post about why I'm only using VYB now - everything I post on Hive gets nuked because I refused to suck whale dick...
Awesome, that’s for sharing that!
I mainly post niche art and music stuff that receives very little attention, so I’m pretty much unaffected by downvoting on all fronts, except that content like yours (judging by the examples in the linked post) is my favorite stuff to read. If I’m not already following you, I will be after I post this comment.
Am I correct in understanding that VYB is just another HIVE-based frontend like Ecency?
I feel like I’m building a home here with lots of history; it would be very difficult for me to walk away and start fresh somewhere new :)
Similar concept although VYB is a Layer 2 tribe and https://www.vybrainium.com is the front-end specific for the tribe/community. Ecency is a Layer 1 front-end (like Peakd.com).
Been back and forth for 4 years (some may throw me under the bus for that because I'm not a "gen 1 hiver", but that should speak volumes anyway), history & home are definitely words to describe my experience.
I really like your use of markdown in this one. I don't know all the codes behind this and would like to see it revealed.
This may help mate!
Thank you. That was some fancy spacing.
You have got an amazing content and writing skills 👍
Thanks! Did you enjoy the story?
Sure 💯
ah I get your meaning about debate, @trostparadox explans it quite well in his comment, looks like the rewards where declined but because of the decline rewards feature being ignored in VYB and the bug in POB they are still showing, But as he mentioned you did clearly state up front that your post was a repost of old content, which clearly shows no intention of abuse on your part.
In regards to his question about what constitues abuse and how should we handle it. I think if it is a genuine mistake as in your case here can be clearly seen, that is a reasonable mishap but if a user was constantly reguritating old posts without making it known or attempting to decline rewards, then the community should probably flag the post.
If this was to happen regularly, muting an account would be a reasonable approach IMO, but i agree it is something that needs further community imput.
completely different.You picked up something else! I must have a habit of sprinkled debate worthy topics all over the place, lol. Me and @dreemsteem were talking yesterday about how easy it is to get "off-course" with regards to perspective. She used the analogy of a boat and it's path, that being, if it is even 1 degree off course at the beginning of the journey, by the time you reach the destination you'll be somewhere
With this being said, your course has opened up even further avenues for discussion so maybe it's not such a bad thing for us to be slightly off-track every now and then (as long as we can see where the ship was meant to sail?).
My mention of debate on my recent post was actually about the VYB Curation Project community account self-voting, ie. vyb.curation upvoting one of the VYB Management Team (VMT) or VYB Curation Project (VCP) team members. It's nothing something that will be ironed out overnight ofcourse, and it's not something I'm overly concerned about as Steve, Felix and myself are advocates for transparency and honesty. Still, community discussion is required! Thank you for getting the ball rolling, it isn't easy to honestly express yourself.
Yeah I agree with that, sometimes we all steer the ship one way but the waves have a habit of taking us in a slightly different direction, sometimes being a little off course during the journey is fine as long as we reach that destination intact.
This is true, sometimes being a little off course can get the crew active and discussions are always good for engagement and further growth !LOLZ
I understand the importance of transparency when it comes to voting or self voting, TBH I hadn't taken much notice of the vyb curation teams voting methods, but I do believe this is a learning curve for us all and will as you say be Ironed out.
Luckily I Noah guy.
Credit: happyme
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ. (1/1)@calumam, I sent you an on behalf of @jaxsonmurph