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RE: Curator Changeover 03/06/2022

in #vyb-vcp3 years ago

You definitely hit onto a good point about accidentally voting for plagiarism while being followed by the trail, although this is true for Aware Curators and anybody else curating on the platform also. I'm hoping that we can synchronise with the Anti-Abuse Team as this develops so that any plagiarised posts can be muted before the payout and the relevant actions can be taken on HIVE & POB to remove the rewards from the fraudulent content.

Thanks for being straight about your feelings surrounding the Unsuspecting role of the VCP. What is it exactly that you find distasteful? It's by no means set in stone so any feedback is taken onboard and considered.


When im not modding in not checking for plagarism, not 24/7, specially lately where im having so many issues to actually track my modding effort and put it on the moderation activity sheet, So im basically diying right now with lot of issues to actually seek more XD

I think you're one of the best people we've followed as an Unsuspecting Curator so far, for this expansion of perspective alone. It was never going to be an easy task, trying to implement a curation model that puts much more responsibility into the hands of the community.

There is a "sixth sense" involved when it comes to plagiarism/abuse detection but even with experience, there are times when posts go unnoticed (I've personally fallen victim to upvoting plagiarised posts in the past and have had to jump through hoops to get votes removed by trail followers after the fact, it's a chore).

I'm going to let this all settle in the mind before making any major changes to the current setup but rest assured I'll be looking for ways to solve the issue.

Is a real issue with shadow curations like this one xD, Now im feel the pull of the dark side :V (Unsuspected curation) Hahahaha

LOL, well, don't they always say that you need darkness to truly appreciate the light? 😎 Let's keep the conversation open!

I need a meme of Darth Vader, but i don't know how to use memes on Ecency...


Love that ;) thanks bro :fistpump: