The car that HIVE bought — 1962 Cabriolet Beetle —

in #vw2 years ago

Hey hive!!! Long time to see!!
It’s been a while since I’ve been active around these parts of the interweb and I wanted to share the project me and my youngest daughter have started.

For quite some time she has been telling me that she wanted a old beetle for when she is old enough to drive (she just turned 13). Long story short, after a year or so of watching marketplace and Craigslist etc., a family friend had this 1962 convertible and after a couple months of talking about it they agreed to sell it to us. Problem was I had to figure out how to pay for it. I decided to use the hive I have saved here to get my kid something worthwhile. I still have 9 or so weeks of power down before she will be paid in full but I’ve got half already paid.


That smirk makes it all worth it.

Quick walk around


Getting loaded on a trailer.



Got her home and in our garage.



Most all the original parts are still with it.



Sarcastic thumbs up for a rotted fuel line
The motor looks really good and has been converted to 12v. We will be trying to fire her up very soon.
We have some electrical to work out but all in all this car is in very good condition compared to all the other cars we have been looking at.

Every inch of this thing needs a little help. It’s going to be a long project but with time we will get it done.

This is just the first post of a long project. Stay tuned for future progress updates!!

Thanks for stopping by!


What a project!

That's for sure!! I've got a lot of learning to do.

Thats so cool. I want to buy an older VW and fix it up too. I want a yellow convertible.

Totally do it!

those old Beetles had that something for me since forever. and they can look great with a bit of work. this will be interesting.

Interesting to say the least! I'll be getting my camera out soon instead of my phone for some future updates