
in #vulnerability7 years ago

This is my very first post and I wanted to put myself out there to all of you just for a moment.

There are many times where I just want to go home. Now i'm not talking about my house, but a home that isn't here. There has been many times in my life that I don't feel like I am meant for this world. I feel like I don't think like most people, I don't view the world like most people, but yet I DO feel emotions more than most people. Some may call it being an empath, somedays I just call it being an emotional woman.....

One of my biggest struggles is self love. I also struggle with this world that we live in and it breaks my heart daily. The fighting, the hate, the selfishness. Every day I give up on humanity and every day someone gives me faith and hope again. You will see more posts about this later.

I know that we all have our own journey and sometimes I feel like I understand that more than some. I am constantly working on myself to be the best that I can be, but its hard! Anyone that tells you life isn't hard is lying to you. Will life always be hard? Hopefully not. But where is the growth without the hardships. For me, part of my journey and growth is to put myself out there. To talk about the hard things. Share with the world my crazy mind, my heart, my tears, and my journey for self love and acceptance. To be vulnerable.... And this, this is just the beginning.

So for you, what does it mean to be vulnerable? And why on earth would you want that??
To be continued.....



It’s painful when you realize that this could be a veritable paradise and the only reason why it’s not is because of fear and the unwillingness of many among us to embrace their personal responsibility to learn and grow through introspection and earnest truth-seeking.

I try to use this platform as a means of affecting the uplift of humanity in my own small way, by sharing insights I’ve found to be valuable, and by sharing whatever humor or art that I’m inspired to. I think social media can change the world for the better by leveraging the power of “one person tells two people”, etc., but what’s being shared must have some healing power - educating, raising emotional vibration, or inspiring reflection.

Not necessarily all the time, but that should be considered part of each person’s duty to humanity. I appreciate you doing this work by sharing your own reflections.

You said: 'Every day I give up on humanity and every day someone gives me faith and hope again.'

I go through the exact same thing. And always, someone, either directly or indirectly, comes around to pull me back up.

Today, for me, that has been you - with this post, and a few others on here with their own kind and insightful words.

I really do hope you post more about this. And more things like this. Whatever those vulnerable points may be for you. It helps us others to simply to see it coming from someone else and to know we're not alone in feeling that way and maybe having a hard time with it ourselves.

To be vulnerable means not to be afraid.

And that could include a lot of things to be afraid of, but mostly, to me, I think it's fear of rejection that makes us most afraid to be vulnerable. We all have a basic human need to love and be loved and a want to be connected. And, especially when we've been hurt a lot, it's so hard not to fear it happening again, and so we may often feel it's safer to give up, or not even try at all.

We need more of this understanding for each other so we can pull each other up. One day it may be you helping someone and the next it may be someone helping you. And the thing that could have so much healing power to bind us all - to bind and soothe our emotional wounds, is this mutual understanding. Understanding of what we all need on such a basic level and a simple way to share that love when needed. And you've done just that for me today, so thank you.

P.S. It's okay to be emotional. What's not healthy is bottling it up because you're afraid. Expression is beautiful and valid and what makes you the individual that you are, without it (in all its varieties) this world would be a very dull place. And that's why on earth I feel it's ideal that we'd all want to be vulnerable.

Well said.

Thank you, I appreciate the compliment.

I have been looking forward to thanking you for this beautiful response. I was very hesitant and nervous to put myself out there and share my feelings and thoughts. I went through many excuses as to why I shouldn't. My life gets pretty chaotic and busy so although it may not be as frequent as I'd like, I will be posting more. Your words have in return made a huge impact on me, thank you!!

You're welcome! That's so wonderful to hear. I saw that early in the day after I'd gotten on here, and I thought "wow, this is so me today". I instantly empathized. I had to let you know that, seeing how brave you were being to write something like that.

And now, I say this all the time - everything makes me think of a song. But it's true, it really does. So this is my song for when I just want to be home, to be gone.

I actually have this on my mp3 player and take it with me when I go camping. Laying out there alone at night in a hammock surrounded by nothing but trees, it really does hit the spot for that feeling of just wanting to be away. I think we probably all get that feeling at times. And I don't really think it's probably that unhealthy. We just want to get away from all the noise and go back to what's simple, and what's comforting. I think so many of these reactions in our day are read as negatives, we're taught to read them as negatives. But I really don't think they are. I think they're natural human responses to a world that's just not ideal for how we function best as people.

I do hope you post more. Related to this or whatever you feel you need to share. It will be appreciated, and I'll try and promote it so others will see. (I won't post the song lol, but you've got a friend in me. <3)

Also...if this is only your first post, then I'm totally excited for what's to come!