Help great Artists get into crypto and steemit and help them to earn some money of the future. Adán Martín
Help great Artists get into crypto and steemit and help them to earn some money of the future. Adán Martín

Adán Martín is a great 3d artist and a top learning resources in Spanish for Vray, 3D Studio Max, Animation, Lighting,
Camera, Materials, Nuke, After Effects, Photoshop.
He has a youtube channel
And the website
Where he shares very good resources about 3d.
If you think like me, and want to flow him on steemit and D.Tube, and want him be part of the steemit community, send him a message comment about steemit on his sites. So he gets more excited about crypto and receives our upvotes and earn some Steem for this resources he shares for free.
Make it happen and bring good artist and content to steemit.
Comment below and name some of your favorit artists that are not on steemit but should be on steemit.
Good sharing @justoneartist
yea this is a good push.. i will encourage him to join!
hola amigo, saludos, aun estas residenciado en Perú? tu trabajo es interesante.