I bet (figuratively speaking) that the measurements are manipulated.
And I bet (figuratively speaking); that just as with normal betting, all those people who wasted the particular amount on betting could have better saved it. (The casino always wins)
An effective way would be if the money saved by not betting was spend on a vasectomy for themselves and if they have children sterilize them too. And if one is really sure the climate is changing and one is bad, then you make your own footprint disappear immediately from the earth by using the money most effectively to pay for euthanasia on oneself. If one truly believes that the earth is more important than you are, you only ruin the earth with everything you do, you are born a sinner and all you can do is sin in everything you do to our god mother earth and ruin our god mother earth.
Than that is logically the best action for one to take.
You saved money and you saved our mother earth....win/win for the believer. ;)
P.S. I say;" bet figuratively speaking".....because I don't bet. Maybe invest in the "climate casino"......;)
For sure measurements are manipulated. But now there is also no market for them. In a proper oracle both shorts and longs can dispute measurements. Even though right now this problem has not been fully solved there are very promising approaches that will be tested an improved over the next years.
I think you are misrepresenting the view of climate maximalists. The earth has supported life for thousands of years. Living is not the problem. Also CO2 is not a poisson, but naturally appears and plays a crucial role in our ecosystem. According to the maximalists, the problem is burning fossil fuels disturbing the natural balance and leading to some level of runaway warming. No need to kill oneself (or others). Just changing technology and habits will do.
It was said jokingly. Of course no one has to kill themselves.
Thanks for the reply :)