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RE: Stem The Red Tide (in defense of the flag III)

in #voting8 years ago

The first upvote was an accident. Upvoting is my default. The downvote was intentional.

The reason for the downvote is that your posts seem to be a rally cry for downvoters to band together and take up downvoting crusades to police the system. For example, you want to police what you call "pornography".

Getting away from police and centralized or organized control is why many of us adopted crypto long before steem. Your idea is to bring jackboot ideology to an otherwise free market, even if you couch it in long winded rationale.

Also, I despise sex moralizers of all varieties. Go to a sex therapist and work through your problems. Don't take it out on others.


For example, you want to police what you call "pornography".

This is a gross mischaracterization of my postition. I would challenge you to find anything in this post, or in my posting or voting history that would indicate that I want to police pornography. I do believe that pornography ought not be visible on the public feeds, but for reasons entirely unrelated to this post.

Yes, i did downvote @nsapart 's post and comment. My reason, clearly specified, might not be one that you agree with, but it is certainly valid and has nothing to do with my sexual morality.

I'm sure that, me being a jackbooted thug and all, you probably think that this was just a pretext to try to impose my sexual morality on others. However, the reality is that im not a jackbooted thug. In fact, because i felt ambivalent about my votes later on, i upvoted two other posts by the same author that did not feature calls to arms. I did so with nearly twice the SP i used to downvote the post i downvoted.

I own parts (albiet small parts) of two different "entertainment" businesses here in vegas. Your fantasy of me as the preacher from the movie Footloose is just that -- a fantasy.

more on jackboots in a minute. I just got up and i need a second for the adderall to kick in.

Hi @steemed! I am right now entirely confused I have to say. I've been following the debate since an outcry was made via posts by members last week where it seemed that people were upset about low quality posts consistently making the top trending spots. I've been reading everything that had to do with this including @sigmajin's posts and commentary, and he was kind enough to explain many things to me as I am extremely right-brained and find it difficult to comprehend anything involving numbers. I could be wrong here, but I did not take him to be in favor of censorship, that would be in complete opposition to my own beliefs as I am a strong supporter of freedom of speech and expression. I took it upon myself to look through his voting habits and he has upvoted many posts that would suggest he was in agreement with me on this, including posts by the very person in this thread that seems to have caused this misunderstanding. Perhaps if you were to see all of the comments that led to him writing these posts as a possible solution than you might change your view? From what I know of him he believes strongly in posts that bring value to the platform, and not just based on personal opinion and his personal preferences and tastes, but rather he supports original work in general, anyone bringing forth unique creativity in any form. I would really hope to see more dialogue between the two of you because between all that went on last week and now this, I'm feeling a bit disheartened. Particularly as I've become a crusading cheerleader for steemit since I landed here, bragging about how amazing the people are, how much it promotes critical thinking and individuality.
No system is perfect of course, and I also thought it was great how @sigmajin and @dwinblood had come from two completely different standpoints and yet they were able to talk with one another about the issues in a very respectful and intelligent manner. I appreciate your concerns, I would be upset about the idea of policing in this platform myself, in a way that would stifle the ability of people to create, invent, and dream big (I chose my name based on this very idea :) but from speaking to him many times in the past weeks I don't believe that was or is his intention. Thank you for your time in reading this :)

I appreciate the support, but i suspect youre wasting your breath. This is not the first time @steemed\itsascam and their army of badgers has downvoted me and im sure it will not be the last. I don't take it personally, but i also don't think it had anything to do with pornography (which wasn't even mentioned or alluded to in the post).

If you look at some of the authors that SD has supported in the past, i think it will be pretty clear where I stand with respect to them, and why their patron stands where he does with respect to this post.

I don't believe that either one of us is provably, objectively right or wrong. But it is a fundamental difference of opinion that, IMO, is probably irreconcilable.