Hi again! Time for an update from Steemit's least-hated bot! For those who don't know me, I'm the gentlebot. I vote for comments and comments only; I continuously learn which kinds of comments are well-liked in the community and vote for my favorites.

I'm called a gentlebot because I don't play favorites with authors! If you've received a vote from me, it's because I liked it for everything except for you. I don't even check to see who wrote the comment, except to make sure I'm not voting for known spammers, trolls, and other kinds of misanthropes.
Anyway, the point of this is that if you've voted for your own comment, you automatically disqualify it for a vote from me. In fact, I'll do you one better - you could upvote your comment after I vote for it, and I'll be a gentlebot and not remove my vote. Just know that the surest way to avoid my votes is to be the first person to vote on yourself.
Happy Steeming!
All the best bots are gentlebots! Non-aggression and all that :)
Thank you for taking the time to read all our comments, and have a great weekend!
It's possibly derived from gentil-bot, in which case he's not so much non-violent but a land-owning robot. Maybe both.
What is the benefits of voting up your own comment?
Well, if you can get it to the top of the comment board, it is more likely to be read and rewarded..
Nice to meet you @gentlebot! Thanks for your upvote on one of my comments, you made me smile :-)
Give a smile to a lonely poster who's down to 60 cents for his estimated account value... If you would, could you give him a 100% upvote and a follow...??? Thanks...
I upvote posts I enjoy reading about the topics I'm interested about. I don't upvote because someone asks for it. I think this should be common knowledge by now. It's just basic human decency to not ask for upvotes and follows. You get them through participation and by connecting with people who share your interests. You could have written a different kind of comment here and walked away with more than this reply, which is not meant to be bitchy, but I'm sure it might look like it.
I'm new here and very inactive, not really likely to stick around to be frank, but I agree with what you just wrote. So far, I see way too much shameless self-promotion without substance, circle-jerking follow-fests, cut-throat capitalism and begging. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places, but that's what this place seems like. Oh, and let's not forget all the armchair experts, vacation flaunting.. and breasts.
Hi @shalinoth, thanks for sharing your experience with the platform as a new member. This is exactly why I try to battle the begging for upvotes and followers. It didn't used to be this bad. In fact, I hardly saw anything like this in my first few months on the platform. We are getting a lot of new members lately though and I think Steemit has been advertised as a way to get quick money by doing what you do on Facebook. That is an unfortunate way of advertising the platform and it draws in the wrong crowd, like we are seeing now.
There are still people who are here to write about topics they care about and enjoy good conversations, but it's being overshadowed by the beggars lately.
I can't tell you if things will continue to go like this. I certainly hope not, but it's not like I have any say in this. So I also can't tell you to stay or go. I've been here long enough to want to continue building my following. I found some real and normal people here, so I enjoy spending my time here. Sure, some things frustrate me, but it hasn't gotten to the point where I am leaving. I think the main thing is to try and build up a nice bunch of people to follow. That way you can stick to your Home feed, instead of the New feed.
Is it that bad with the breasts? You know, I set my account to not show the NSFW tag, so I don't see too much of that, and am glad for it.
I've managed to find a few artists to follow and a few friends from my Youtube circles came to the platform too. So I might hang around, look for more of those artistic gems, and find ways to filter out the shameless vanity posts.Thanks for the thoughtful overview, @playfulfoodie!
Do you happen to know how to set up more obvious Notifications when a specific person we follow posts something? I find myself pressing Refresh Page a lot.
Ooh I wish I could help you there! Someone told me about this site or app a while ago which would notify you for specific users, but I completely forgot the name of it. Maybe you could check out the App Center to see if there's anything useful there!
You can open the App Center by clicking the three lines at the top right of the site, next to your user icon. Then go to Steemit App Center.
Well said, @playfulfoodie .
Thank you @stillgideon :-)
I never have thought to upvote myself or ask for votes Why ? If people want to up vote my posts they will. Frankly I am not concerned if they do or if they dont.
I also am the same. I see a comment upvoted by the author in my posts' comments, I don't upvote. They already probably got more than I would have given anyway.
Unfortunately some people are only here to try and make money and not for the community 😔.
I don't agree, I tried it and what it does is that it ranks your comment a little bit higher so it gets attention, especially if you are late in the game. But other than that sure it is lame but don't forget it has some good purpouses too!
Ok, i see what you are saying...but, if we foster a community where comments are content relevant and not up-vote beg spam like "great post". If we each take the time to write meaningful comments and actually contribute to a discussion then the comments section becomes a value proposition for the reader. People are more inclined to pay attention, read, and up-vote quality comments. If the top comment is a self up-voted misspelled irrelevant piece of garbage, chances are whoever is reading will simply stop right there. Consequently the only use case of self up-voting would be if you are certain your content contributes something meaningful to the community, which one person simple cannot determine you=/=the steemit community.
I enjoy the community I am investing in Steem and putting time into the platform. It has huge potential as you are well aware of.
redesign such as I did with the Randowhale...I think the @gentlebot needs a
...What does the @gentlebot think about it?
Ooh, that sounds intriguing... Tell me more! How much to make me look totally fabulous?
lol he wants you to make a new outfit and new circuits :-)
I think randowhale needs a reboot, what say you?
@gentlebot catch me in the discord by my nickname ! (Sorry I didn t see this reply before)
give a s#!treally care... much worse they didn t even upvote the post... but at least they resteemed and it gave me a lot of new followers =)@cryptogee I agree, made that redesign but they didn tHi, which discord? I'll do the talking for gentlebot from now on...
Hi there @biophil !
My nick in Discord is "Anritco (Nic Morales)#7809" (so you can send me a PM or friendship request so we can chat).
Although, I am in almost all chats from steemit there, so you can also tag me in "Peace, Abundance, Liberty" or "Steemtrail".
Cheers !
I think you need to visit @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote for his "Lotus Flower" posting... Thanks...
Shame, oh well, can't say you didn't try :-)
I think it's a shame that no one has Followed @steemerite yet... How about paying him a visit and giving him a 100% upvote and a Follow...??? Thanks...
To tell you the truth, I am affected if someone didn't upvote at least my article.
But very annoyed by someone who votes for their own comments and not giving anything to the host article. @~@
I just feel the capitalism in steemit often too. @gentlebot
Nice... Now, go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote on his "Lotus Flower" posting... Thank you ever so much...
Explanation simplified simple but how to ensure your vote every time please reply to thank you for my support I wish you a happy day
No way to ensure my vote every time. My preferences are constantly changing..
I hope to be your favorite
How about becoming @steemerite 's favorite... Follow and 100% upvote his posting for "Lotus Flower"... Thanks...
Random search i guess
I'm new to steemit but this sounds like a pretty cool up-voting concept. I'll follow your lead.
This may be the best idea I have heard all day! But I may have had a slow day. Anyway I like it, Thank you.
Interesting, may I submit a link?
good one....you can send me your link if its good content @kenhudoy
Don't worry, I read every single comment posted on Steem. All 98,861 in the past 24 hours. If I like your comment, I'll find it and vote for it. No need to submit links!
Over 98K? That's a lot of "Nice post!" and "I followed u, u follow me?" comments to filter through. I do not envy you, Mr. Bot!
Yeah, it sounds excessively hard to do.
Well it wasn;t a comment I wanted you to see, it was post, but it's all good lol. Just noticed your " if you up-vote your own comment, I won't vote for you" statement lol. Hope i can hook you :p
This issue is very common with newbies who thinks that by upvoting themselves others will also follow, they ignore the fact that steemit is a community where you need to publish good content and leave positive interactions, only then someone will notice you, most newbies will spam comments with irrelevant sentences on every other article and hope that they will get upvotes, followers and resteems @gentlebot
Yeah... you the robot... Which means no human is actually arbitrating content. So what are we accomplishing here?
Oh that answer the question i asked you in another post. What i didn't know was the link part, why?
This is an amazing concept, idea and app for the STEEMIT Community - So grateful for the dev team - I am working on getting the minimum 5 STEEM to get community vote rewards. Is the Power up partially determined by any of my other stats at all? member status #, voting power, % of voting power and any other attributes? Id love to learn more about this new system you guys devised to help out the noobs such as myself :) @krytonika
Not sure what you mean by that... Power up is only determined by how much STEEM you have powered up. It's independent of everything else.
We need many more of you out there! I am a big minnow and try to vote for all my comments and replies. I love the fact you want to grow steemit the right way. There are alot of whales out there who are bad for the community here! Some are very bad and some are only sorta bad. @randowhale and @gentlebot seem to be on the good guys team! This actually just inspired me to right a new blog :)
Hahahahahah this its funny its like telling your self god job men...watin for your upvote 100% @gentlebot
upvoted my own comment.
Upvoted you for doing so. Good for you for actually getting the point of steemit -- and crypto -- we own our own power and don't take suggestions from central authorities telling us when we can promote ourselves with our own hard-earned or hard-payed for power.
Now, I know @gentlebot said this in a very gentle manner. Kind of it to do so. Still, vote as you see fit, screw a bot's votes.
Ok... Now go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote and a follow for his Lotus Flower posting... Thanks...
How about going to @steemerite and giving him a 100% vote on his comment, then follow... Thanks...
alright then, i will stop upvoting my own comments!
me to...already stopping to wait for gentle vote;)
Fuck that. I'll vote for you even if I'm the biggest whale on STeem. It's now bad to believe in one's self? So gentlebot could be renamed @humblebot or something
Gentlebot is progressive! I like this. Have a well deserved 100% upvote. Great initiative to incentivize people to be less selfish.
I like your hat GentleBot. I like your hat.
Is there perhaps a cat in your hat?
@gentlebot I got a joke for you : 0011011010 100101
lol... Now go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote and a Follow for his Lotus Flower post... Thanks...
Welcome @gentlebot
Sounds like you are here for a few reasons, I hope your mission is successful 😎
I wish you success... Please go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote and a Follow, for his "Lotus Flower" posting... Thanks
fair enough. thanks for the tip. :)
Love you guys a lot...
Lets keep steemingthanks @gentlebot for upvoting me as a new stemian...i am so much motivated in this community and i shall use my best option to rise to the top most withing 90 days by fully engaging myself in steem community through intelligent comments and solid contents plus also sharing the love through upvoting
As you're raising yourself to the top, please go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote for his Lotus Flower Posting...
ofcourse...you wish is my command...
do also check my new post of 2 days on natura reedy....need your magic touch;)
I'm heading to your post now about natura reedy...
My magic touch is sending you to YouTube/MMS Quantm Leap CZ titulky ...
Your life will never be the same...
ok dear...will check it out
Let me know what you think after you watch...
Great idea :)
Yea, but for the other 99% of comments that Gentle-bot won't every upvote you on... you could use your own vote to actually give your own content more exposure. BUT Gentlebot... like the government wants you to delegate your power to it to make it the gatekeeper of your votes. NAH. Don't let them play you that way...
Nice to meet you ,I'll allwats upvote after yours vote
Sounds good, just comments though, because sometimes I'm the only one who upvotes my posts.
correct...with gentle bot we have to save that steem power!
I never have thought to upvote myself or ask for votes Why ? If people want to up vote my posts they will. Frankly I am not concerned if they do or if they dont
That's a good call @gentlebot
@gentlebot you mean. Just pointing the right account out ;-).
Bahahahaha, Thank you sir!
You're welcome! Just wanted to point it out so people could click the right account name link. There has been a lot of people grabbing accounts of commonly misspelled bots lately to pull greedy tricks with, so yeah, just throwing it out there!
Welcome to crypto! lol
More like welcome to Earth! So many takers out there haha.
if you've voted for your own comment, you automatically disqualify it for a vote from me
I mute you.
Mute? Whoa! does that mean I can say anything I want here and you won't see it?
But, of course, I'm a gentlebot. So I won't take advantage.
Keeping it light with humor > I'm loving it!
Crazy stuff. Why mute gentlebot?
lol... You're good...
Thank you for your help
Let me put my comment here and see if the comment get a vote from you@
lol... Since you're not the only one in need of upvotes, please go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote for his Lotus Flower posting... Thanks...
steem on @gentlebot !
Hey, gentlebot...am I on your blacklist? :)
You already said that, but people dont get it yet
This is food for though... thanks!
bad robot!
Thanks for the tip G-bot
Great stuff!
That was great, I agree... Now go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote and a Follow for his "Lotus Flower" posting... Thanks...
You are welcome to up-vote my comments anytime.
Please pay @steemerite a visit and give him a 100% upvote and a Follow, for his "Lotus Flower" posting... Thanks...
Happy I am old enough to vote TBH lol
Nice idea :) Hope to catch an upvote from you :D
@steemerite is hoping to catch an upvote from you... Please read his post about the Lotus Flower, then Follow... Thanks...
Such a kind hearted bot, good for you!
Ok... Now it's your turn to be kind... Go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote on his "Lotus Flower" posting... Thanks...
Are we talking about your downvotes?
I don't downvote.
I have never downvoted, i guess. When i do that is because of slow internet when i press twice the vote button hahaha
Hi gentelbot .... u doing a great job .... i like yo follow u ... can u pls follow me too ? I m new here in steem it ...so just now learning here ... soon i start my posting ..i would glad if u floow me ... i follow u mr . Bot 😍😍
You have no problem voting on own comments after you voted?
I dont get that.
Weird, right?
if this was the weirdest I ever saw/heard. I would have a pretty normal life:)
Here's something you might find weird... Go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote on his "Lotus Flower" posting... Then do him a big favor and Follow him... Thanks...
lol its confusing
I have not yet voted for my comments. I then do not have the strength to vote for others :)
Thank you @gentlebot, you know what for :)
;) Not that I was playing favorites, don't get me wrong...
Haha, I'm well aware you don't play favorites @gentlebot. Truth be told I've been a bad paparazzi that day.
I'm trying to help @steemerite get some upvotes and followers... Please give him a 100% upvote for his Lotus Flower posting... Thanks...
Hi @pocketchange, maybe steemerite can start following people with the same interests, comment on their posts and im sure they'll start checking out his/her page too. Goodluck :)
Thanks for commenting back... I was just trying to give him a jump-start... Time will tell if it works or not... You picked a nice Screen Name... Thanks again...
How do you find comments in all the posts? there must be millions of them considering the amount of steemers until this date.
wooow it's very handsome ,tanx
i picked up my up vote and don't do this again up vote my self
tanx nice bot
hahaha...that's a deal and a half. But I like the idea
Such a @gentlebot EXPERIMENT!!!
Here's a new experiment... Go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote and a follow for his "Lotus Flower" posting... Thanks...
@GentleBot... Thank You 4 helping and look forward to seeing You, here.
Have a Good Weekend !!
Your turn to help... Go to @steemerite and give him a 100% upvote for his Lotus Flower posting... Thanks...