Elections Are Futile

in #voting9 years ago

Hillary Clinton is corrupt (and many other things) - Yes.
Donald Trump is corrupt (and many other things) - Yes.

The disputable comparison of degree is irrelevant because of the fact that they're both corrupt, Period.
I should (and am), and you should be opposed to corruption, Period. To condone it, and or participate in the process of perpetuating it is corrupt, Period.

It shouldn't need to be said, so it's pathetic that it does, but govt itself is corrupt. Politics is govt, and govt is politicians.
I have great hope that many are finally coming to grips with the reality of how corrupt govt is.
I am not govt, and you are not govt, and voting does not make any of us, the govt. When you vote, you're simply participating in the govt's racket. You are serving to perpetuate corruption despite your belief or best intention.
I am anti-State, and have increasing faith that you will come to be too.

Going to finish up this post with some words from Adam Kokesh:

"You, as a free, beautiful, independent human being with inalienable rights, own yourself! You can do what you want with your own body and the product of your labor. All human interactions should be free of force and coercion, and we are free to exercise our rights, limited only by respect for the rights of others. Governments rely on force, and force is a poor substitute for persuasion. When you learned “don’t hit,” “don’t steal,” and “don’t kill,” it wasn’t, “unless you work for the government.” Governments frighten us into thinking we need them, but we are moving past the statist paradigm and rendering them obsolete." ~Adam Kokesh