Terror, Theresa, Toffs and how to turn Hypernormalisation.

in #votelabour7 years ago


Whereas terror in Manchester removed all U turns, petty politics & interview gaffes from the public arena, shock and awesome depravity of mass murder pausing our democratic process; the London attack seems to have had exactly the opposite effect, and have woken many many people up, to the ‘what goes around comes around’ common sense realisation that, once contemplated, sticks in the mind and influences one’s vote…

I see people everywhere, I see commonality and compassion and the human(e) sensibility of knowing the inherent right & wrong of a situation. We also obviously share a striving to find happiness, to better conditions for the next generation and inherent understanding of the fact that love is stronger than hate. That is the positive side to these recent episodes of thoughtless slaughter, and was reflected in the instinctive public outpouring of compassion in the immediate aftermath of both events.
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The negative; where those who sell war and farm profit while lacking any empathy for citizens around the globe, those sociopaths, immune to the wider compassion that underpins humanity, those who truly haven’t ‘got’ the ‘We’re all in it together’ meme carry on unabated - as though anyone challenging this ‘Press the button’ style, ‘received wisdom’ is mad. Yet this established line is suddenly in the spotlight and nicely highlighted by Comrade Corbyn (https://www.thecanary.co/2017/05/26/panicking-tories-late-smearing-corbyn-speech-manchester-takes-britain-storm-video/) - and fair play to him. He hasn’t pulled any punches - but revealingly has placed none below the belt - the same cannot be said of the Elite sponsored Con-servatives. So -what kind of leader do we want - a blatant, war-mongering ‘Liar Liar’ (https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/liar-liar-ge2017-theresa-may-protest-song-greyed-bbc-radio-1-captain-skaplay-button-ofcom-charts-a7770586.html) or a man of integrity and compassion?

Owning ‘our’ complicity in the global perspective, refuting the ‘them and us’ narrative and refusing to blame ‘the other’ with xenophobic zeal; will surely be the fastest track for all flavours of these fundamentalist crazies receiving the help they obviously & desperately need, while we invest in pursuing a more equitable and free world (not free economy).
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As #2 World arms dealers, we have to stop peddling the cycle of violence (http://theantimedia.org/theresa-may-pushing-for-uk-intervention-in-syria-following-manchester-attack/) and start thinking about the larger picture - which is bigger even than ‘people’ - yet the ‘people’ are the solution… It’s all happened in the space of a few weeks… Initially May seemed strengthened by adopting the Iron (lady) stance and playing the ‘Strong & Stable’ pose… Now the cuts in civil defense (later), the Saudi weapons deals, the Princely blackmail (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/feb/15/bae.armstrade?CMP=share_btn_tw) and the hushed reports (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/home-office-terrorist-funding-report-saudia-arabia-focus-not-publish-conservatives-government-a7766381.html) are summoning a perfect storm that looks fit to blow away the establishment Corporatocracy, the Offshore Barons, Machiavellian tax-dodgers - all the dodgy Daves of the Free Economy are cornered - and off guard.

Of course if we are busily stirring up hornet nests abroad - silently killing children in Yemen (http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/world-watches-yemen-descends-total-collapse-un-1705220057) - so one might think it would be good form to ensure our people here are safe. But it seems we are complicit in exporting terror when it suits us - but actually keeping police on the streets (http://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/police-officer-theresa-may-cuts-james-obrien/) and ensuring those responsible with citizen welfare are adequately funded… which again falls down with TM’s stint as Home Secretary - and shift as PM, is consigned to a simple money-saving exercise. It isn’t often that the police themselves call out her protestations of support ‘lies’ (https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/politics/labours-minister-peace-will-bring-fresh-thinking-defence/) - but somehow she still wants us to believe that cutting the police force, increases our security.
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And that’s without the multitude of other issues, all of which are enough on their own, to make us look back at this period, should the Tories win, and see this post Global-meltdown squeeze as a sort of golden age. The next five years are crucial to save all that we proudly hold dear - including our collective & individual freedom (unless you are a millionaire).

For example - the Naylor Review - the document that proscribes how we will have to pay to have the NHS asset stripped in front of us. May publicly stated that this is her blueprint… (

Our public money subsidising Private corporate health behemoths (US ‘Healthcare’ companies are lining up) into buying our publicly owned heritage at bargain basement prices… to run into the ground for shareholders’ gains. Like a cross between a gang of Richard Bransons on steroids and a multitude of greedy Darth Vaders - but more evil. Any NHS authority that won’t play ball is to be punished - the details are all grimly laid out - our National Health service simply will not survive.

Or the Bloodsports issue. Species are being wiped out globally. Nature is linked again and again (leaving aside the creatures’ individual extinction) to human wellbeing (http://nordic.businessinsider.com/finlands-basic-income-experiment-is-already-lowering-stress-levels–and-its-only-4-months-old-2017-5/) even as we build across greenfields and sell off forests (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/blog/2010/dec/22/tory-privatisation-all-state-forests) - we recognise more and more that our collective sanity resides in that green space (http://www.theecologist.org/green_green_living/2806834/wilderness_is_the_water_in_which_our_freedom_swims.html) that has no intrinsic ‘value’ in today’s narrative. So - do we really want to return to redcoats & terriermen torturing our wildlife here (and enabling bloodbaths abroad)? Most people say no - but if the blooded elite get their way… (https://tompride.wordpress.com/2017/05/20/tories-bow-to-wealthy-antiques-dealers-and-drop-ban-on-elephant-ivory-in-manifesto/) #keeptheban

Attacking those in the older generations for having the audacity to dare to scrimp and save post WW2, to better themselves. Not spending frivolously, but investing to create the stability of homes and communities* (as well as building the NHS and many ‘public’ utilities, many of which have since been sold off to gambling banksters) was also madness. Not only do the majority of such voters tend to a conservative ideology, it knocks any aspiration of the middle classes towards prudence and investment. Perhaps this was all intentional, (http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2017/05/21/is-the-dementia-tax-a-plan-to-make-money-for-theresa-may-and-her-husband/) though it seems like it was another arrogant gun shot through the sole of the Tory party, and a starting pistol for a change of heart across the country.

There are so many other issues - from donations and expense irregularities, the whole Cambridge Analytica affair, (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/06/big-data-cambridge-analytica-democracy) The hegemony of press bias (https://markdoran.wordpress.com/2017/05/14/tory-tory-tory-3/) rallying to the status quo, all the double dealings (https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/dementia-tax-google-adverts-conservatives-stop-reading-policy-controversy-election-2017-manifesto-a7748646.html?cmpid=facebook-post) and duplicitous dodginess. Student fees, Food banks ffs!

So many layers of ineptitude - from those with expensive educations - which, although possibly completely out of touch (laughably the term they tried desperately to ascribe to JC) makes one wonder whether they realise they have bungled the Brexit (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/uk-worst-performing-advanced-economy-world-post-brexit-slump-election-pound-sterling-a7766286.html) talks before they have even begun. We’ve antagonised our neighbours across the channel (https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/807614/Brexit-news-Britain-EU-Europe-Brussels-Theresa-May-Ian-Williams-Conservative-manifesto), (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/may/21/brexit-coming-food-crisis-seasonal-migrant-labour-eu) buddied up with the Orange lunatic across the pond (Crazy Orange Voldemort, Fool Everyone For Ever? #covfefe) and are blithely continuing with the status quo, selling the few scraps of family silver that are left - alongside the weapons of terror and dictatorship - just to make a fast buck.
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Business as usual… it’s all a dirty business and I think the will of the people is now saying ‘enough’, ‘no more’ and ‘time for change’. So thanks for the Tory wakeup call - a hardline, marching powder fuelled race to the bottom… but it has to end here… let’s rebuild our country - and the world (https://www.vox.com/world/2017/5/15/15641594/world-history-video-bill-wurtz) - as we would like it to be, engaged with a party who listens, is transparent and has decades of track record of being on the right side of history, (https://gandhifoundation.org/2014/01/09/the-gandhi-foundation-international-peace-award-2013/) rather than based on the systems of serfitude that those in power want to see propping up their offshore bank accounts into the future. (https://www.theguardian.com/business/2012/jul/21/global-elite-tax-offshore-economy?CMP=share_btn_fb)

#jc4pm #votelabour
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I leave the final words to RB
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