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RE: Does volunteering do more harm than good?

in #volunteering7 years ago

Excellent post @abh12345! "Volunteerism", I think, is a very good thing. Candidly, however, I think "volunteering" probably has more of an impact on the lives of those volunteering than on the lives of those who are being assisted. I suspect it makes a dramatic impact on the perceptions and views of those who are doing the volunteering; much moreso than on the lives of those who are being assisted by the volunteers. Why? Change takes time and long term commitment, especially in traditional societies and cultures; not something one can hope to achieve in short term volunteer assignments; it's just not possible. Does it help; absolutely; because it does open the eyes of those being assisted and exposes them to new ways of thinking and viewing the world; but, unless it is constantly and consistently re-enforced over an extended period...well, traditional ways of thinking and behaving are very, very difficult to overcome. I very much applaud what you are doing and hope you continue--long term commitment is one of the keys. Having lived and worked, building my own businesses in Africa, for 30+ years, I have seen and experienced...


Hi @beantownboy

I'm really sorry for not spotting this helpful comment earlier.

I totally agree with your comments and hope the 3 months (added on to the 3 last year) will be a suitable length of time to bring some positive permanent changes to the school we plan to teach at.

We go with an IT degree and 20 years in the trade, plus a Montessori deploma and hope that this, along with our smiles and humbleness will be enough.

Thanks for your reply
