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RE: Open Borders Presupposes a State

in #voluntaryism8 years ago

(answer to your previous comment)

You can only held something private FROM. If there is no from, then there is no private. Someone had to start making land their own FROM everyone else, and that was the king. Before that, the land was everyones. That sort of property was (partly) existent in the western world until the great enclosures (an expansion of privately owned land into the Commons) in England, dating just 200 years back ( ) and similar moves in other countries.

[a few years after the well-kown Magna Carta of England, which was about the rights of the aristocrats, there was a lesser known document about the rights of the common people, explicitly stating some rights for common land]

In several parts of the world you still find land that belongs to no person, but to a (changing) group based on the fact that they "use it daily".
Private land was first land that was taken from this everyones land - you can even see it in the words, as the latin privare means "to rob".


Yes. Such as your body, which you hold private from everyone else in using it. That private, or exclusive use, property changes hands does not mean that it's anything other than private. If you homestead a piece of land, that land is private. You exercise exclusive control over it. This is the case without a state.

A piece of land cannot simultaneously be under the control of two competing individuals simultaneously. Coincidentally, that's where the tragedy of the commons arises from.