What Happened When I Let My Driver's License Expire

in #voluntaryism7 years ago (edited)

So, my driver's license was coming up for renewal and I thought, "You know, I'm sick of this shit. I know how to fucking drive and I don't need permission." I own my cars outright; I have insurance; and I have mad driving skills, super-human, even, but that's another story.

After a few months, my driver's license lapsed and I didn't really think much about about it. Amazingly, I still knew how to drive! Imagine that! The power of the State was not operating my vehicle through some sort of supernatural holy spirit possessing my body.

Then, I went to the bank to cash a check. The teller said, "I need to see some i.d.." I said, "I'm one of your best customers. You should know who I am." She repeated the request and I handed her my expired license. She got an uptight look and then disappeared into the "secret" area. The branch manager emerged and scolded me, "Drew! You need to renew your driver's license! What are you doing driving around? " Then, she said to the teller, "This is Drew, it's ok to cash his check."

That was phase one of being license-less: Can I function without i.d.? Yes, indeed I can! Emboldened, I continued with my new found freedom as a free range human; however, I began to feel a little paranoid. I noticed cops everywhere. It seemed like they were following me. I started avoiding the highway and freeway and took back roads instead. I used my radar detector to identify the presence of cops even if I wasn't speeding.

This all came to a head on a Sunday afternoon about two years after I had begun my act of civil disobedience. I was heading home from my shop when I remembered that I needed to pick up some man-crack at Harbor Freight. I had coupons in my pocket and was ready to buy some inexpensive, made in Shenzhen, awesomeness. I decided to take a chance and run the I-5 gauntlet instead of taking the back way.

As I approached the city, I passed a state trooper parked on the right side of the freeway. He casually pulled up behind me, passed me, pulled in front of me, and then got behind me again. I decided to abort my shopping mission and head straight home. He followed me off of the freeway and continued to follow me for another few miles into my neighborhood. It was like having a rabid dog follow you home. State troopers around here have a fucked up reputation for tazing naked runaway autistic ten year old girls and ramming catheters into the penises of non-compliant cyclists. I was not looking forward to this encounter.

He followed me to my street and pulled up to the curb as I parked in my driveway. I sat there for a few moments thinking about what was going to go down. This was a huge problem for me. It wasn't the license. I was only looking at a $450 ticket. The problem was that he violated my rights by running a check on my plate without reasonable articulable suspicion that I had committed a crime. Basically, he had undergone an investigation without cause. How far was he going to go with these violations of my rights and how far was I going to go to defend my rights? Would he use force? Would I act within my right to use force to defend myself? I did the math. He would lose such a battle on my turf. This was a dangerous situation for both of us, but it was of his making, not mine.

I got out of my pick-up. He was still in his car and asked me to identify myself. I asked him if I had committed a crime. He had no answer. I told him that I didn't have to identify myself. He got out of his car and approached me. He said, "One of the owners of that vehicle does not have a license to drive." Again, he asked me to identify myself. He asked if my license had been suspended. He said, "If your license is suspended or revoked, then you are going to jail." This situation was souring quickly. So, I relented and I handed him my expired license. I said, "My license is not suspended or revoked, you have no cause to arrest me." He took my license and said, "Stay here, don't go anywhere." I said, "Am I being detained?" "Yes!", he said. I stood there and kept my hands out of my pockets and in view. He was getting agitated. I was thinking that I was definitely not going to jail, no matter what. He was violating my rights and aggressing against me on my own property for using my own property.

After 15 minutes or so he got out and informed me that my license was expired. The sticker was worn off and I looked as surprised as possible. I said, "That's funny, how was my driving? Did I violate any traffic laws?" Then, I said, "You want to know why I'm giving you a hard time? It's because you violated my rights. You're running license plate readers on your computer to check state databases and that's illegal. You need cause. Do you know about the fourth amendment of the Constitution? We have a real problem in this country with bad cops like you."

He appeared to be choked up and started to cry a bit. He explained to me how he fought in the Gulf War to defend the Constitution and acknowledged the problem of the Police State. He said that I was within my rights until I handed him my driver's license. He said that what was just a contact escalated to a traffic stop as soon as I complied by handing over my identification. "Because you were cooperative and worked with me, I'm just giving you a warning. Rip it up. Do whatever you want with it, but I have to keep your driver's license."

He shook my hand, and began to turn and walk away. He paused and asked, "By the way, do you have any guns?" I replied, "You know, I don't have to answer that question." He nodded. Then, I pointed to the Remington logo on my hat. We both enjoyed dinner with our respective families that night.

Even if you don't believe in the State, utilize the tools that were supposedly created to protect your rights as a sentient human being. Beat the Statists over the head with their flags and Constitution. I don't know how that state trooper could possibly believe that he fought to defend my rights by killing strangers in another country. It doesn't matter, one way or another he needed to be reminded what his duties were. Fucking statists...