The Odious Delusion

in #voluntaryism8 years ago

Statism is any concentration of social and/or economic organizational controls and planning in the hands of one or many human beings across a certain geographical area divided by words or boundaries known as borders.

There are many different denominations (or systems) of states and governments that exist, but all of them rely inherently upon the same fundamentally illegitimate authority in order for them to have any measurable authority whatsoever. This authority, or “special right”, is the unquestionable moral authority to initiate force against you and your neighbors that may stretch hemisphere to hemisphere. They use this special right to extort from people within their borders the funds necessary to operate their systems, social programs, “defenses”, and forces necessary to ensure that these programs will be funded, by you. This special right is the inherent flaw of all denominations of the theology of statism, and the cognitive rejection of the reality of this special right, or the belief that it is necessary for society to allow some to have such a special right in order to protect us from those who might do exactly what the organizers arbitrarily claim the right to do; is what I call The Odious Delusion.

Today and historically (in America) in order to maintain this delusion the founding organizers bestowed upon themselves the “special right” under the guise of protecting and preserving our liberties. In intention they may, but in practice these organizers protect your liberties no differently than how ticks protect your blood. This is the premise that most modern governments follow in order to establish The Odious Delusion, for it is the only premise remaining with any sliver of rhetorical legitimacy. The organizers can not rule by divine right for the people see the evils of it, and will resist accordingly; They can not rule by outright enslaving populations for the people see the evils of slavery, and will resist accordingly, but tell them it is needed to protect and preserve their liberty, and they will submit to the delusion because they do not see the evil in it. The people of America have slowly but surely allowed the state to accumulate, ironically, more power than any other state in the history of man. Why? Because when an institution has the “special right”, no matter how precisely limited, to initiate force against people to organize society to the organizer(s) arbitrary will. The worst of men will inevitably drift towards it in order to use its “special right” to the benefit of themselves and their friends, for the best of men wish not to rule over you. This vicious cycle of organizers establishing institutions with the “special right”, and bad people drifting towards them- is the repetition of history you so commonly hear about during historical discourse.

At the core of the law, Is a gun.


I'm glad you pointed out the attractiveness of government to people that represent the worst of humanity. I can't tell you how many conversations I've had where I've had to defend voluntaryism against the age-old "but warlords and evil men would just take everything over!" argument. All the while I'm sitting there thinking "...isn't that what's happened now?" The power to rule over others is literally what sociopaths and sadists seek. If you create a supposedly legitimate conduit through which they can inflict violence for their own arbitrary whims, of course they're going to use it.

Seems pretty self-explanatory to me. But I'm just a dumb grunt; what do I know?

You got the right idea! Thanks for the compliment !

Welcome to steemit. No guns here (that I know of) not that the gun is the problem but the delusional mentality that it takes to think society needs to centralize control of it.

Thanks, glad you agree, but i wasnt trying to say that there were guns here.

I upvote U