excellent composition SM. Sadly, I think Larken the neoBuddahist of Libertavia is just too damned angry to objectively analyze all that that you bring forth; at best, he will attempt to dissect each point, and not see the essence of the synergy of what you posit.
It reminds me of some of the frustration Objectivists in the 50s and 60s had to deal with when attempting to get Ayn Rand to crack the layer of marble around her thick jewish skull and see something she might have missed. (and obviously did, on occasion). Anecdotally, I watched the same thing happen with Irwin Schiff in spite of my personally attempting to get him to not make the same mistake in the early '90s... LOL Irwin's son is acting the same way now with cryptoCurrency!!
This type can't seem to spit their pride and just "let it go" once they become so "invested" in a strain.
Yes, I know the feeling of having to contemplate the idea that you got it all wrong and you have to change your way of thinking. Happened when I was replaying this archived video from 911truth. It also happened several times after listening to some of Larken's videos too.
on that note... I bring to your attention, the real reason Rose is worried about what Kokesh is doing... and what he will end up achieving.
I await your objective analysis.
What am I analyzing? I've listened to some of the audio. I don't get it. What is reason Rose is worried?
And you are saying that Rose worried about this?
I believe there is a distinct possibility. Can't know for sure. Don't believe he would publicly admit it. But something has him protesting way too much over Kokesh's use of the political process. Do you remember him ever complaining about Ron Paul like this? See? They can't play the "anti-semite" card on Adam.............. and his "Split 50!" doesn't require a large number of people to convert to libertarianism to float! In fact, it could sell with almost no conversion factor from the population.