The road wouldn't be successful if they didn't use the funds wisely to maintain it, build more roads, etc.
You don't like toll roads? I absolutely love them. The main reason why is because they are always better taken care of and safer. Best of all, I don't pay for them unless I use them. I'm voluntarily making a business transaction.
That's way better than a gun being put to my head. There should be no government property. It should all be private, and that would include the spaces for roads. We'd figure it out too if given the opportunity. In America we have tons of toll roads, bridges, and tunnels.
The process is already there and works just fine. City streets could be funded by the community of businesses there (That's how it used to be done). There's no reason to have a government collecting taxes to do it. Sure, that cost would be passed on to customers, but it is a better system than having a government forcibly stealing from people who may never even use the roads.