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RE: This Is Your Brain on Statism

Would anyone be good enough to link info on how (or where) this kind of society could (or is) being implemented?
Here are the 2 main problems I'm having:
-if it's not a nation-state then what is it? A commune-ity?
-how would this commune-ity not be based on natural hierarchy's​? Wouldn't 'leaders' eventually arise and implement their version of how things should be run?
There are other issues like managing sociopaths and psychopaths who are anywhere from 1 to 5 people out of 100. That's a lot of problem people even in a town of 10,000.
What say you, ​anarchists? Should it be anarcho-capitalism or anarcho-syndicalism​?


I spent a few years over at Mises and can't say I'm all that impressed. But thanks for the link.....

I argue for my own idiosyncratic take on mutualism. NVC would be the foundation alongside with what I call The Golden Rule economy--end all unnecessary coercion and exploitation of other humans and life forms​ for personal gain and profit. I've reduced religion to a practical methodology of doing business. I also espouse the end of private property for rents and replace it with A One House Per Person policy based on the idea of personal property.

It should also be noted that Darwinism is exactly the same if not better than the Golden Rule economy in that no animals pay for homes and food! The earth provides homes and food freely to all animals! So whether a proper understanding of religion or a proper understanding of Darwinism we get to the same place where private property in the capitalist​ sense is a universal fiction perpetrated on humanity by sociopaths, or what I call The Archons!