Kick the elite in the balls with Bitcoin!

in #voluntarism8 years ago

Ethereum was created by a Russian-Canadian named Vitalik Buterin. He also is responsible for utorrent.
Here in Canada, crypto is not taxed or regulated(as long as it's not claimed). We have Bitcoin (BTC) atm's here. No one can ban crypto, even in China, because it is autonomous, decentralized and never interacts with a bank. Essentially, you are your own bank.
China has banned ICO's (initial coin offering). I trade Monero (XMR), Dash, Steem, Litecoin (LTC), and spend my profits after exchanging for (BTC), and spend it on my BTC credit card that can be used everywhere that visa or MC is accepted.
If you want to change the world and take the power away from the banks and bring it back to the people, this is the way you can advance towards that. Imagine, no more funding their wars. No more supporting their corrupt inflation of fiat slavery. This truly is a dream that can be a reality.
The price of bitcoin does fluctuate, but if you can afford only a small amount to invest and leave it there, it will grow. It always does. The price of one bitcoin right now is $4360.95 Canadian, $3573.00 American. Which is at a 30 day low. This is due in part to China's ICO companies feeling the pressure to pull out. This is only temporary, as most have decided to keep mining.
China is the largest exporter of BTC, and mines the largest amount of coins worldwide. Due partially to electricity being so cheap there.
An aid to President Vladimir Putin is putting 100 million dollars into an ICO that can be traded for ETC and BTC. The plan is to use their countries cheap price of electricity to rival that of China's mining farms.
This day last year BTC was trading at $750.12 CDN, $617.38 USD. As you can see, the value has doubled since then. This has been the constant trend since it's creation in 2009. Just after the 2008 banking crisis in the US. It was the flawless answer for the terrible disaster that destroyed the lives of hardworking people who believed that the money they had been saving would continue to grow in it's worth over time, not plumet.
BTC value is being recognised more and more by investors and regular people like you and me alike. The cryptocurrency platform has created extreme wealth over the years and will continue to do so. It has also provided funds to areas of the world that cannot afford the exchange rates of different countries fiat currencies, or that may not be able to travel to a bank.
Bitcoin is offering freedom and wealth to everyone, wherever they live in the world. It's a beautiful way to slap the face of the elite rulers who do everything in the power we give them to deny us of both. And now, with the price being so low, this is the time to buy. This is the time to get involved