One Of The Most Respected Steemians @lauralemons Is No More - Please think of voiceshares to share your agony before taking an extreme step - Think of us once!!! Let's fight this together!!

in #voiceshares7 years ago

Life sometimes can be very cruel, specially with kind hearted human beings. It came as a shock to me when I logged in to steemit yesterday. I did not know @lauralemons before but even as I went about digging her blog, I realized what a life it has been for this young lady. She has been through the toughest of situation we cant imagine.


What made @lauralemons take this extreme step??

Laura had gone through extreme pain both emotionally and physically even as a kid. Life gave her no respite, she was a fighter and she fought till the end. From being sexually abused as a kid by her own people, she was also tortured by her ex boyfriend both emotionally and physically. It did not stop here, she was suffering from interstitial cytosis.

She had made multiple decisions to quit alcohol and was well on her to recovery, but her pain got excruciatingly painful towards her end, she could not longer take it. Her friend also took her life and this was a big jolt to laura. She no longer felt the need to live and voices in her head made her look past all the near and dear ones.

She was an excellent artist, she was also widely responsible in shaping early steemit and helped everyone who went to her. She was found with no help herself and this is something very painful. Hope she finds peace up there atleast. She doesn have to deal with wrong people there, she will be taken care of by god.

Please think of @voiceshares once!!

We have been trying to help people through voiceshares and doing it time and again, people have been writing to us about their stories and we are publishing them. Those stories are connecting with many who give the confidence that story teller is not alone in his/her fight.

We are ready to help if you are lonely or suppressed or depressed, think of us once. All the amazing people associated with voiceshares are ready to help you. Just think of voiceshares once. This is your stage to get back life and conquer it!!

I saw few prominent names who are fighting similar cause, if you guys can join hands and create this awareness with us... we can surely have a positive impact on society.

@donkeypong , @klye, @alexpmorris , @stellabelle , @lukestokes, @good-karma , @merej99, @kaylinart , @beanz , @shla-rafia , @roadscape , @gtg , @alexbeyman , @thejohalfiles, @pharesim, @pfunk , @officialfuzzy , @ausbitbank , @acidyo, @adsactly

Let us join hands in saving lives, we started this project only to make sure we dont loose any more friends... Let us be there for them when they need us the most.

We at @voiceshares believe in creating the support system to those souls whose voices are suppressed. We would strongly urge you to write your stories of depression while staying completely anonymous and send it us through the below link.

Google Form Link To Submit Your Story Of Depression

Please include your BTS Address along with your story to receive some voiceshare tokens from our team.

You may also join our discord server and meet our family by joining our discord server through the link below

Voiceshares Discord Hangout Link

we would love to have all the interested folks join us in this revolution to create a better tomorrow.


I do remember sharing a comment on one of her posts, I felt she was really determined and she had the right attitude may I know what happened?

She gave up her life to suicide, when life was too hard for her she took it in her own hands

you may refer to her friend's post as well Rest In Peace, @lauralemons. You Were Dear to Me, and Everyone Who Knew You.

Thanks guys for the context. Now I feel like I would have done something, anything. May she rest in peace and I am sure she was a great person even though I just had conversation with her just once. Post I just saw that she left two more comments there after my comments that got un-noticed by me. I never got the notifications wish I would have done something more. I know writing here won't change anything but people with depression suffer for years and years in silence and they keep things to themselves. to be honest this world has grown too materialistic and politically correct. Everybody likes to be polite and stuff but nobody wanna get their hands dirty and even when somebody try this sickness depression is like an iceberg. It is more than what it is visible way more and you feel so many things and you try too hard but end of the day it stays and even when you try too much for too long you just end up feeling more exhausted.

Without a proper and healthy support system it just seems too difficult to get out of this sink hole. I know this because I have been in and out of it more times than I can count and each time it was more difficult than the previous time. Things that were working before suddenly stops working and people who even try to help you get frustated. You get left alone because others have their own life too no one person can live two lives at the end of the day one for you and one for themselves even when they try, you have to try to deal with what you were given by the Universe. If you have some illness on top of this all I know how things would have gone for her. I really wish no other person would have to go through same stuff as she had to thanks @voiceshares. This is a great initiative indeed. My best wishes for you. And for those who are battling with this condition just remember one thing you are stronger than what you think of yourself, I have defeated it more times than it has defeated me so can you. SO CAN YOU!

@kissofearth - Thank you for the comment, I did see she had left not 2 but three replies after ur comment. I also strongly urge you to share your story of battle and share it with everyone.... That would make it a inspiration to many...

If I started writing my story I might end up writing a book and I don't know how to write a book yet. I will try writing down a few points. I don't even know how much of it would make any sense to the readers. I will try I guess.

All you have to do is just start and I m sure your experience will make it the best ... u dont even have to try ,....u write from your heart and readers will listen from their's

I will give it a try I wrote down a few points. But mostly I want to write down the positive points instead of talking about my story points that somebody in need might use to get better. I
The only problem is when you start to write and remember your past feelings gets in the way and you start to lose the perspective I will sit down and try really slowly in a way it will come out as something positive instead of what was wrong and stuff. I did write like a page or so. Thanks really for following up with all the comments it really matters a lot

I am sorry for the loss of everyone who was friends with her and knew her. She was a great artist and a person. Even I had not heard of her before as I am new, but I looked through her account. Rest In Peace, Laura. You always had and always will have the goodwill of all your friends. @voiceshares I really appreciate what you are doing here. Mental illness is the worst kind ever. but it's not actually an 'illness' as people call it. Some people have go through a lot by no fault of their own and just need love. Every single word you say to them or in front of them matters, because they have a habit of caring about everything and everyone. They are highly sensitive. And it's about time that every human being learns to put themselves in others' place and situation an see how they feel so they know how the other person must be feeling. Even if many people give them love, they feel they are responsible for a lot of things and are trapped in a cage of sadness and sorrow. But ironically they have and try to give out and spread as much love and joy as they can into this world, try to make it a better place and try to make other people happy as much as they can even though they are broken. And this is what makes them the best kind of people ever to walk the face of this planet.
Much love, Laura, and even though I did not know you, I am sure you were a beautiful and a great person to be friends with.

Yes they will be highly vulnerable, we should deal with them carefully to not complicate things.... The voices in their head wil be constantly echoing their intention to take an extreme step.... Thank you for the join us on our discord too

True, @voiceshares and thanks for the invitation but I try to stay away from all this stuff as much as I can. I sometimes have to rant it out though, and I do.

you are good man

That's very sad news. According to @alexbeyman, she hung herself on the anniversary of her friend's death (which was a suicide too). I doubt if we can even comprehend the pain and anguish she must have gone through.

People take their lives to stop hurting. Initiatives like @Voiceshares can help awaken a ray of hope and give them a chance to think. It's all about raising awareness that such a support system exists. Even then, for the most part, a person who has decided to give it all up, may not want to reach out. This is where curation of posts that border on depression and reaching out to them will make a difference. Keep up the good job!

RIP @lauralemons.

Hey @knowledge1, thank you for being an active member of voiceshares..... your support and words means a lot everytime..keep it going.... we need people like you to drive the project forward

Oh my, THANK YOU. I may have to get brave and try another venture into discord. I battled suicidal thoughts and behaviors after being put on SSRIs. I do not require anonymity, I am not ashamed of what happened. I know that once a person has gone to the shrink, and has taken their "happy pills" and THEN they get suicidal, there is NO HELP for them in professional circles. This is a special kind of desperate, these are people who TRIED to get help and the modern idea of help makes them worse. I am HERE for those people. There are BETTER WAYS TO OVERCOME SUICIDAL THOUGHTS than taking a pill that says right on the label it might cause suicidal thoughts... RIP honey, so sorry I never had the chance to get to know you...

Hey @fishyculture, u now have a chance to inspire people who are suffering, why dont write your story and share it with us, I am sure it will be useful to many

I will. It will take me a few days, maybe a week. It is not a short story. It is not easy to tell. And I have grandbabies to watch for a few days, but I will.

Thats wonderful, u may do it at your convenience. Let us know once u r ready with your story

I posted it on my blog yesterday afternoon.

I pray for the family and friends of @lauralemons, she will live forever on the Steem blockchain and always be a fragment of our community until the end of time. May you be in peace Laura!

She will always be there from above to bless us with steemit ahead :)

In my research one of the causes of suicide she has no friends to share with her biggest problems in life. In our life, we should exhale our thoughts and problems by sharing to others. For this way someone will sympathized us and support all the way. Second, is we are lacked of faith to God and shortage of time in reading His Words in the Bible. Third, is lacked of association to others or a group that making the causes to impact life. Fourth, lack of spiritual Mentor to encourage you. Fifth, is lack of Prayer consistently to the Lord. Sixth, Lack of prayer partners that prays you always. Seventh, is lacked of physical activities or sports activities that needs your body or adrenalin to exhale. I believed that suicide just like did by Judas Escariot is lack of not giving value to our self. Therefore we need to value our life just like God value our life. Condolence Laura and may your soul rest in peace. And I pray for your love ones who left that they may strong and continue their life because God will always provide their needs and protect them.

Some valid points out there sir....Hopefully people see this

Hi @voiceshares, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

If you’d like to nominate someone’s post just visit the Steemit Ramble Discord

Thank you for the exposure and being soo kind..... we feel everyone should know about @laulemons

you're very welcome @voiceshares

I pray that her spirit is resting where there is not sadness and tears. I also pray for her family that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus.
" A Christian will part with anything than his hope, he knows that hope will keep the heart both aching and breaking, from fainting and sinking; he knows that hope is a beam of God, a spark of glory, and that nothing shall extinguish it till the soul be filled with glory." ~Thomas Brooks.

There wont be sadness there, she has lived it all here...she is in a better place my friend :)

Really nice to see individuals such as yourself making an effort to speak for the ones suppressed. I never knew this kind lady who left us abruptly but I do feel the pain of loosing such a person, human beings ought to be ashamed of treating such kind people so disgustingly. May she rest in peace and thanks to you and all those here on Steemit trying to make the world a better place one individual at a time. Cheers mate

Thank you for connecting with the cause, only when everyone like you support the project we can reach a place we destined to reach

You're welcome mate and thanks for the nice comment. We do need to help troubled individuals or the ones with other problems not cast them away into uncertainty. Cheers

As someone who was instrumental in developing this community, she leaves behind a great legacy, and won't be forgotten.

Rest in peace.

Her legacy will be the guiding force for steemit for ages!!

From God we come and to Him we shall return !!! .. Great job @voiceshares

Its hard to accept how strangers yesterday have become a family today. steemit has provided such a platform- we are like one nation one family. She will be greatly missed.

And we mourn the death together

I am very sorry to anybody that knows her and is feeling the pain of her loss. It seems she touched many people. It is a shame our species can't share more love. Love heals. This seems like a great place for people to come together and help each other.

Sometimes when its too late evn love fails to heal.... doing right things at the right time is the way forward

True. But the more love out there early on the more chances we have for hope.

@voiceshares im with you men i will be happy to help

Thank you, do stay in touch and look for for people around if they are missing something. Join voiceshares discord too

I feel sorry for her. Sometimes it's sad to know that you are the only one who can help yourself out.

Yes you are the main person who can help yourself ......but support system is crucial too

that too, but you must ask help by yourself because people don't see it most times when you need help..

Exactly not everyone has the ability to read minds even thought they are willing to help

My sincere condolences

Very good post @voiceshares.. . Thankyou for sharing 👏👏👏

So sad! @voiceshares You're doing the much needed job and I fully support you. Followed and resteemed you. This post is a tribute to @lauralemons. Keep writing and saving lives! You're an asset to Steemit!

Rest in peace @lauralemons!

Hey thanks man, do join us on discord too

That's the first time i've heard that bad news,have read a few of her posts before and know what a strong person she was,it's such a shame to see her go like that.Voiceshares sounds a really great project if you need anything to talk about.

Yes please feel free to use the medium...

I had no idea @voiceshares existed. It's a very good thing it does.

Well from now you know u have friend to always bank upon

I am very sorry to hear this. Although I did not know Laura, her pain is indeed shared by many others whom we can still help with our love, support, and encouragement.

Suicide is never the answer because where there's life, there is hope. And there is always hope even when we cannot see it. Peace to all.

There is hope my friend, hope is only factor on which humanity is riding!

Oh very sad...although I am very new to this community I can feel that steematians are missing her so much....may her soul rest in peace...

Sorry to ask ,Why She Commited sucide ? When we compared boys and girls ,mostly girls commited sucide, " sucide will not help your problem solved"it will be big loss to your family especially your parents *Before commited sucide think about your parents RIP to the girl

Please read the post fully and yes please do not bring gender comparisons, mental health is irrespective of any kind of gender....

RIP It is pretty crazy how dark life can get. The abyss is something that can feel more real than anything at times. God bless us all. I appreciate you for sharing. We need to be more connected.

We definitely need to be more connected

Life for infinity RIP and onto the next beautiful life lots will miss u

hey great message but also very sad, she is free now and in good hands, love to you and everyone..

She is in a better place with better people

Had us all in tears.

It's so sad. There's so much to live for.

Upvoted and followed!
Thanks for sharing!