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RE: What Makes Education A Very Powerful Tool In Today's World ??

in #voiceshares7 years ago (edited)

Being educated doesn't mean appreciation of what is right or wrong nor knowing it. Being educated means you have some kind of knowledge. Just it.

As I understand, you are connecting education with morality. You assume that having knowledge is equal to being a moral person (ethical intellectualism). But there is no reason for such assumption.

Ethics is not like physics or chemistry. There is not objective knowledge about moral or immoral behaviour. Ethics is created by culture and is dependent on culture as well on time. Today we say something is moral, tomorrow we say it is immoral.

Could you elaborate what is right and what is wrong? Can you provide me an objective definition? The one that will never change or is supposed to last forever? Can you provide some proofs, the best explanation that can't be rejected? Do we say something is right because it is in its essence? Or maybe we just feel that something is right and that feeling is based on our previous social experience? I would say it is the latter.

I think that calling NSDAP an evil party is something what most people will not argue with. That's why I make such an assumption.

Philipp Lenard was a german physicist and a Nobel laureate from physics. Martin Heidegger was a german philosopher and is considered one the most important philosophers of the 20th century. Guess what? They both were NSDAP members. They both were also very well educated. In history we can find a lot of similar examples.

Now, let's think about term "civilized". Your definition of civilized is to support the right and question the wrong. Again, what's right and wrong? If I am not civilized, does it mean I am a savage? Or am I who?

I am no sure but I see a little problem. You said that civilized society would never agree on hatred and they believe in helping others. In the next paragraph you mentioned 'lesser few civilized citizens' and 'we may not be able to apply the concept for a larger scale of audience'. Do you mean that those from larger audience are uncivilized? It sounds like civilized people = better people, uncivilized people = worse people and we should not be looking after them. It is not coherent to the theory of civilized person which doesn’t have hatred and help everyone around. Clarify this.

To end this too long comment I want to say that I’ve found your blog quite interesting. It is always nice to see someone trying to empower people in some way.

Have a good day! :)


You have just opened a debate on two very different thought process my friend. Presnting your case is one thing, doing it at the cost of bringing someone else's opinion is another thing.... I enjoyed the comment and few questions you just asked may not be answered through a comment..... I would to write a saperate post taking your questions into consideration