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RE: Vocab-ability Prefix–264 (anti__ = opposed to, against) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)


  1. Antipathy:
    Lapping up the oil on the ground, Kurt's antipathy for the dog grew.

  2. Antisocial:
    Some consider me to be antisocial.

  3. Antithesis:
    Stabucks' antithesis is to use the slave labor created by the U.S. prison population.

  4. Antiwar:
    In the antiwar rally, two-three people were sent to the hospital when a gunman began opening fire on the police.

  5. Antinuclear:
    Are there benefits to being antinuclear and not creating them when the surrounding countries have them?


Good work!

And good luck in your campaign to get others to consider you in the proper light. It seems to be working effectively!!

You know, since you say this, my auto self-sabotage kicks in. haha! darn it ...