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RE: Vocab-ability–186 (polis = city) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)


  1. Metropolis:
    Here in the metropolis of Hambigger, we have among the highest rates of suicide due to the way the population is stacked on top of one another.

  2. Metropolitan:
    I'm going to dance in the center of Los Angeles Metropolitan square.

  3. Megalopolis:
    They triangulated five murders that were related throughout the six megalopolis cities.

  4. Politics:
    Corrupt politics have invaded the homes of the residents in a way that has made them stop speaking to one another.

  5. Acropolis:
    Acropolis, standing high above, is where the gods had a party.

  6. Policy:
    Who is going to be happy with the enacted policies when their way of life is going to be affected?


Good work!