- With her quiet temperament and bookish nature it was hardly surprising when she told her family she was successful in gaining the Librarian position at the local community hub.
- He knew it was selfish to eat the last of the cake without first checking if anyone else would like some, but he did it anyway because it was the best cake he'd ever tasted and he convinced himself that it was a reasonable decision as he hardly ever treated himself therefore he deserved it more than the others and he allowed himself to succumb to temptation.
- It was foolish of me to think I would be safe riding my horse who I hadn't seen for 2 months and also happened to be in season at the time but I went anyway and that's the story of how I broke my arm when I was 14.
- I decided to go shopping after work one night so I rang my partner to let him know I should be home around nine-ish, depending on traffic of course.
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Good work!
Let him eat cake!