- Misanthropy
Although misandry is sometimes confused with misanthropy, the terms are not interchangeable, since the latter refers to the hatred of humanity.
- Misogynist
Despite growing up in the segregated South and battling misogynist attitudes at every turn, Joan realized her dream to become a pilot.
- Misandry
Misandry is misogyny. The way I see it, the years of women being oppressed resulted in bad things for men as well.
- Misopedia
Misopedia has been responsible for children's death over the years.
- Misoneism
A farmer's misoneism, for example, might lead her to use plow-pulling oxen rather than tractors and to milk her cows by hand rather than using newer milking machines.
- Miso Soup
I was almost forced to try out miso soup at a Japanese town, but I strongly resisted all through.
Good work!
Vive la Resistance!