I use video like a painter

in #vlogger6 years ago

I use video like a painter, an abstract painter. Not like the guy who painted Washington crossing the Delaware, a painting that made me cry in 2000 when i visited the MET in New York City. My videos will most likely not bring tears to your eyes.
Here's an example from four years ago.

It's a bit self indulgent, I suppose, in retrospect. I was so dazzled with the Magnovox ad that I almost failed to alter it.
Here's another. I published it in 2014. It's pretty good.

This particular episode of my art-vlog I presented music, the music in machines. I love the music in machines. Ever here a car go down the road with a distinct musical syncopation? Listen to any motor, engine, or devise. They all make noise, and that noise, due to the cyclical nature of machines makes a measured rhythmic sound. It's music.

I was into wearing goggles back then. Here's another one with the goggles. It's from the first year of my art-vlog when I was producing like a madman, 2012. It was the end of the world and I was having a party as it rolled up and vanished.

I had gone to a conference and was amused by the academics and their obsessions.
I wanted to show you another one wear I wear the goggles for the whole thing, but it's not as entertaining and the intro is less cool. The episode above definitely has the coolest intro. I wanted to move on from it when 2013 started and tried a few things, see above. I never matched the awesomeness and wonder of falling toward a spinning cardboard cone in space. I'm still working on it. We'll see what happens in the near future.

The art-vlog never had a them subject, so it's remained obscure. I have a request to make a video in a comics shop. We'll see how that goes.

Until then, Cavedweller, Do what you can to open the quarantine on the Prison Planet.